View Full Version : Dm500 oscam

28-04-16, 14:46
I don't think I'm breaking any forum rules by posting this question, so here goes!
I've been using a DB500 for many years to read my official subscribed Sly card (CAID 0963), which is accessed by a few PC's on my home network running Mediaportal and Newcamd.

This configuration is all working well and the DB500 uses OSCAM to read the card.

My Sly card is paired with an old SD Sly box.

As most of you probably know the change Sly UK imposed a couple of years ago means I can't decode encypted HD channels, which is a real pain, as I'm not card sharing or doing anything dodgy, other than using my official subscribed card in a non-Sly box. In fact I also pay a multi room subscription so I have my main TV connected to a Sly HD box, just so I can watch encrypted HD on my main TV............yes it's costing me a fortune every month for Sly TV, so my conscience is clear asking the following question!

I want to continue using Mediaportal on my various home media PC's throughout the house, to watch my satellite TV but I'd really like encrypted HD channels available on these Mediaportal PC's.

So I'd greatly appreciate any guidance on how to achieve this - do I need to change OSCAM to something else on my DB500, reconfigure OSCAM or change my DB500 to another card reader?

Many thanks

28-04-16, 15:32
you wont get encrypted hd channels off sky anymore.
no matter what the method.

28-04-16, 15:51
Thanks for the reply - was hoping for at least some light at the end of the tunnel!
So the dodgers out there selling their servers only supply encryption codes for SD channels??