View Full Version : Can't post new thread in VIX forum

21-04-16, 22:11
The new rules for posting are preventing me from creating a thread in the VIX Support forum.

When I try to create a new post I see the drop downs for Prefix (where you identify box type), Title and Category (Bug or Question).

I DO NOT get any drop down boxes for "Build Version" or any of the other questions. I just see the large text entry area for my post.

When I try to save it says I haven't completed those other fields (Build version etc)

What can I do?

abu baniaz
21-04-16, 22:13
Enter the details. They are not a drop down menus yet.

21-04-16, 22:17
But the system is clearly verifying the expected answers in those fields as it complains about them.

Is it parsing the main text in my post for the words "Build Version"?

21-04-16, 22:32
Yep definitely screwed. According to the posting rules you are supposed to press a button marked "Post Entry" which reveals the other fields.

I do not see that "Post Entry" field. I have Javascript enabled so wondering if it only supports specific versions of the browser?

abu baniaz
21-04-16, 22:53
The posting intriuctions were introduced to fulfill a purpose: Deal with the "Read my mind" threads and try to ensure people post enough detail. Just post your issues with as much detail as possible. Your thread will be moved across for you.

21-04-16, 23:01
You are missing my point.

The system obviously works for you. I don't get to see the questions at all so there is nowhere for me to type any kind of answer.

i.e. I don't see "What is the ViX Build Version that you are using?"

It is impossible for me to post a new thread as a result.

abu baniaz
21-04-16, 23:05
So how are you posting here? Just post the question you want to.

When you post details of what OS/device/browser youa re using. It can be looked at.

21-04-16, 23:05
This is all I see


21-04-16, 23:06
This forum section doesn't require this extra info.

21-04-16, 23:12
Do you understand my problem now?

abu baniaz
21-04-16, 23:16
Regarding your claim that the forum software is not working:

What device are you using?
What OS are you using?
What software are you using?
What browser are you using?

Regarding your problem:
What receiver are you using?
What image are you using?
What build number are you using?
What is the problem/issue?

21-04-16, 23:20
What device are you using? Decent laptop (IBM Lenovo)
What OS are you using? Windows 7
What software are you using?
What browser are you using? Internet Explorer 11

Regarding your problem:
What receiver are you using? Miraclebox Premium Twin +Plus
What image are you using? VIX Build Version 4.0
What build number are you using? Build 002
What is the problem/issue? I have a number of questions regarding how to reorg the EPG

abu baniaz
21-04-16, 23:21
I have a number of questions regarding how to reorg the EPG

There were 8 questions. You have only supplied one answer. Answer the questions asked of you.

Then continue asking your questions.

21-04-16, 23:22
What device are you using? Decent laptop (IBM Lenovo)
What OS are you using? Windows 7
What software are you using?
What browser are you using? Internet Explorer 11

Regarding your problem:
What receiver are you using? Miraclebox Premium Twin +Plus
What image are you using? VIX Build Version 4.0
What build number are you using? Build 002
What is the problem/issue? I have a number of questions regarding how to reorg the EPG

abu baniaz
21-04-16, 23:33
So what are the questions then?

22-04-16, 01:29
Do you understand my problem now?No. As if you select one of the two drop-down options for the Category, you'll then get various other boxes to complete.

22-04-16, 06:38
The new rules for posting are preventing me from creating a thread in the VIX Support forum.

When I try to create a new post I see the drop downs for Prefix (where you identify box type), Title and Category (Bug or Question).

I DO NOT get any drop down boxes for "Build Version" or any of the other questions. I just see the large text entry area for my post.

When I try to save it says I haven't completed those other fields (Build version etc)

What can I do?

See this guide here http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?33154-Method-of-posting-in-ViX-Support-Section!

22-04-16, 15:20
No. As if you select one of the two drop-down options for the Category, you'll then get various other boxes to complete.

No that is wrong. People are not listening.

When I select the Category drop down and select "Support Question" I do NOT then get any other boxes to complete

There has to be some crazy restriction on the version of JavaScript or Internet Explorer or whatever scripting software you have used to code those boxes.

I don't get those boxes, hence I can't enter anything into them, hence I can not create a thread in the VIX support forum.

Very frustrating!

22-04-16, 15:41
Can please post a screenshot of what you see and what exact browser you are using.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

22-04-16, 15:43
Screen shot is already shown in Page 1 of this thread. Broswer is IE 11. JavaScript is enabled. Does the forum need me to have some special version of say .NET ?

22-04-16, 15:48
The only way I can get my Windows 7 IE11 PC to do the same is if I turn scripting off
You could try this site to test scripting is definitely on (maybe it's broken for on your PC?)


22-04-16, 15:53
No idea why or how you are getting what u are getting.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

22-04-16, 15:54
Try Firefox browser. Nothing we can do. You must have some specific setting in IE11.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

22-04-16, 16:13
Does the forum need me to have some special version of say .NET ?

No it does not.

Sorry but I'm not able to replicate your issue. Tested IE11.

22-04-16, 17:07
Works ok for me - Windows 8, IE11.

22-04-16, 19:45
No that is wrong. People are not listening.

When I select the Category drop down and select "Support Question" I do NOT then get any other boxes to completeBut you didn't actually say that you had selected the Category drop-down (as far as I can see).

There has to be some crazy restriction on the version of JavaScript or Internet Explorer or whatever scripting software you have used to code those boxes.This seems unlikely, given that no-one else appears to have the problem. I use Firefox on Linux and it's always worked OK for me.

And I've just tested it in Firefox, IE11 and Edge on Windows 10. All work fine.

So what is special about your browser set-up?

23-04-16, 12:15
So what is special about your browser set-up?

I conclude there is some issue with Javascripting on the laptop I am using. I don't know what the issue is.

JavaScript is definitely enabled. If I go to YouTube I can view videos there no problem. If I disable JavaScript YouTube clips no longer work.

I have found also that I can not view Share Charts on a Stocks/Shares site that I frequently use.

I have repeatedly enabled/disabled JavaScript to try and "reset" it.

I have closed and re-opened Internet Explorer numerous times to try and reset that.

I have killed off the iexplore.exe process in task manager to be sure that any old instance is gone.

I have rebooted the laptop several times.

I have also disabled my firewall temporarily in case that was blocking something.

Yet the JavaScript problem persists.

I had to use the wife's laptop to be able to finally use the VIX Support Forum which worked fine.