View Full Version : [OS-mini] Change channel with up/down, not left/right

18-04-16, 18:47

I can't seem to find on the box or the forum if there's an option to change the channel using the up and down arrows, and not the left and right arrows. Is this possible?


18-04-16, 18:59
What do you mean? Can you explain more and where are you trying to change the channels?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

18-04-16, 19:25
you could/should try the button setup.


18-04-16, 20:00
Thanks Trial, I actually checked there first, but somehow missed the ZAP UP and ZAP DOWN options.

For future reference if anyone else wants to do this, one must set the UP button to ZAP DOWN, and the DOWN button to ZAP UP, or else the channels change the wrong way (Pressing UP would otherwise for example go from 103 UTV to 102 BBC Two to 101 BBC One, and not 101 BBC One to 102 BBC Two to 103 UTV as you would expect/want)


Is it possible instead of changing channel (or 'zapping') to see now and next for the next/previous channel when you press up/down? Not the full two-line EPG you can press left/right for, but just now and next like a genuine Sky box or most Freeview boxes do when you press up/down?

18-04-16, 20:15
i have the left/right keys set up to zap channels... it's somewhere in the settings... don't know from the top of my head which one.