View Full Version : XBMC no audio

15-04-16, 18:44
'I have installed xbmc launcher plug in and as I want to use it to watch film on I googles and followed a tutorial on youtube which you create a called directory fusion and downloaded from a repository kinkn 1.4zip file and then install video addon filmon.

well it works up to a point
I am getting no audio output and when I try to stop the filmon stream the box freezes and I have to reset via the rear switch.

I only want to watch film on tv is there something I have setup wrong or does xbmc not work on my box.I have looked for the kodi plugin but I think I need version 4 vix as it is not in the plugins download lists
please explain in simple terms if I need to setup or reinstall something as it is all new to me

I am on vix 3.2 .0037

15-04-16, 18:50
Install the latest image. Then download the VU kodi plugin

15-04-16, 18:56
thanks again willmoore

so can I download the latest version via the feeds? or do I need to put on a it usb stick
Is there a tutourial anywhere on the upgrade procedure I am sh"t scared of totalling the box. I have a working box now and need to make the decision as to upgrading or watching filmon via my laptop

15-04-16, 19:05
Its actually (normally painless) :)
Make sure you take a settings backup
Just in case do a Image backup
Both to a usb stick
Then do a couch update ... That is go to image manager and download latest image to the receiver and then restore
It should find your settings backup on usb and talk you through the settings restore ....

15-04-16, 19:08
Guide here post #3 http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?47588-Flashing-Settings-backup-and-Restores

Once you install Kodi you will not use Filmon again :thumbsup:

15-04-16, 19:30
ok thanks guys,youve convinced me

just one question ,if I restore version 4 without plugins ,can i just open plugins before doing anything in version 3.2 and just write down which ones are installed and then after upgrade just download and install the same ones from the feed

anything else to be aware of

15-04-16, 20:02
ok thanks guys,youve convinced me

just one question ,if I restore version 4 without plugins ,can i just open plugins before doing anything in version 3.2 and just write down which ones are installed and then after upgrade just download and install the same ones from the feed

anything else to be aware of
Yes, provided they still supported in 4.

15-04-16, 20:34
well that was easy, build 4 installed and when I checked some plugins were there already .like crossepg downloader,

I searched and kodi plugin was there so have installed it,
it appears that my xbmc setting has been copied over,I could select filmon and a channel which then plays with no sound
I can exit out of the kodi player ok ,so it seems its at audio problem only

any ideas please

15-04-16, 23:08
Forget xbmc and forget Filmon (for now)
You have installed the latest version 4.1 and installed VU+ kodi from the feeds - Yes ?
From your list of plugins you now see KODI LAUNCHER and when this is clicked you see the Kodi splash screen which says Jarvis 16.1
It then launches Kodi's basic build (confluence) blue background with a bar across the middle with links displaying things like SYSTEM - POWER -ADDONS etc YES ?

16-04-16, 09:00
for most streaming: make sure you have activated AAC downmix in E2 because the net often uses AAC as sound format.


16-04-16, 10:12
yes,yes and yes I get a screen with a bar with pictures videos music programs system .

it is if I to vidoes and addons bar below I find the filmon that I loaded on the old xbmc plugin following this

trial I have checked aac downmix in setup/AV settings and it is on