View Full Version : [VU+ Solo2] Timeout for unerlock

14-04-16, 15:16
Yesterday evening I think my box crashed whilst trying to record.
When i turned it on I noticed that there was no EPG which is usually the case when the box crashes.

Now when trying to run Cross EPG or ABM I get the error Timeour for tuner lock.

I have 2 feeds going into the box
nothing is recording
swap file still exists.

any ideas, ive looked at other posts and didnt see a resolution other than trying to rebuild the box which I dont want to do

abu baniaz
14-04-16, 15:27
Can you advice what image you are using please.

Check the f -plugs on your connections.
Perform a non-ABM scan using tuner A. How many channels do you get?
Perform a non-ABM scan using tuner B. How many channel do you get?

14-04-16, 19:03
Checked the fuse plugs they are fine. I can manually scan on each tuner and using a Hades image I think.

I've never had this issue before or seen it but looks like I'm not the only one seeing it. Please help

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14-04-16, 19:04
Sorry to add to my earlier post when I manually scan I am getting a full channel list

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14-04-16, 21:46
Managed to resolve this. After running a manual scan successfully I decided to let abm do its thing to see if it worked and it did. Then tried cross epg and that worked too.

Seems all ok.
Just wondering whether I should upgrade to the latest build 4.1 now

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14-04-16, 21:55
Just wondering whether I should upgrade to the latest build 4.1 now

It is up to you really - but Hades is a pretty old image so probably best to update to latest version to take advantage of any new features etc.

If you do decide to update, and as you are fairly happy (again!) with the version you are running now, it is prudent to take a full image backup (Blue button>Vix>Image Manager) so that you can easily flash back to what you had before if required.

14-04-16, 21:57
Thanks, if I update is it ok to do so via image manager or do I need to do a fresh install?

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14-04-16, 22:11
It was a while ago, but I am pretty sure a couch flash via image manager and then settings restore was fine to update from Hades. As I say, take a current image backup to roll back to if you don't like it/it goes wrong.

15-04-16, 07:39
I might be wrong but I think we couldn't use a settings backup when moving to 4.0. If correct, it will need a fresh flash no backup.

16-04-16, 01:11
I can't be bothered doing it but the best way to find out for sure is read the release threads for updating to 3.2 and then to 4.0. If it were me I would just do a couch flash of 4.1 and set up from scratch. Do an image backup first so you can always go back.