View Full Version : OpenVix - Client Zero bad recording to server Solo2

11-04-16, 23:10
My set-up defined that my client VU+ Zero record to my server Solo2. i've proved this works as I've FTP'ed into the Solo2 and saw the files appear int eh right place.

However, the main movie file is empty and whilst recording is going on the picture quality from the Zero is awful.

Any ideas why the movie file is empty and picture quality is awful?

12-04-16, 07:51
Maybe too much work for the cpu, handling the incoming transmission stream, presentation to the TV and then the return interaction to stream back to the server for a recording?

12-04-16, 08:25
Maybe too much work for the cpu, handling the incoming transmission stream, presentation to the TV and then the return interaction to stream back to the server for a recording?

You're probably right. Shame tho.

12-04-16, 12:38
I can confirm that was my findings, enabling time shift on slave box has the same effect also.