View Full Version : [ABM-DVB-S/S2] Can't get BBC Two HD to show in ABM

07-04-16, 15:28
The channel numbers have changed recently for the BBC channels. I looked at this page: http://www.freesat.co.uk/tvguide
It says BBC 2 SD is 108 and HD is 102. I entered those in my swap file but I'm getting BBC Alba instead of BBC Two HD. I've attached my sat_282_mysky.xml file. Can you help please.

Please note that I want to keep the HD versions of the freesat channels and ITV4 and the BT Sport channels because you can record them if you pair your Sky card to an SD box.

07-04-16, 15:44
Have a look at this thread - hopefully will shed some lihg ton the problem and give you a solution.



07-04-16, 15:47
Thanks but I already looked at that file (http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?51027-Changes-required-for-ABM-31-03-2016&p=397256&viewfull=1#post397256). I don't see any "my favourites" bouquet at the bottom of that file so I can have a bouquet of channels in the order I want like this

my_favourites = {115:1,106:2,178:3,227:4,145:5,120:6,402:7,403:8,4 04:9,405:10,406:11,410:12,411:13,407:14,427:15,457 :16,458:17,414:18,112:19,128:20,210:21,981:22,451: 23,505:24,506:25,164:26,118:27,136:28,171:29,116:3 0} # LCN of channel to add followed by position.

07-04-16, 16:20
WHy dont you download the new XML file (included in teh thread I linked to) as that will put the channels in the right order, and then copy and paste your Favs over to teh new xml file.


07-04-16, 16:23
I downloaded this file: http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?51027-Changes-required-for-ABM-31-03-2016&p=397256&viewfull=1#post397256

I copied my favourites from my file into the bottom of the new file above and "My Favourites" bouquet doesn't show up. Does anyone have the new file with a custom bouquet so I can enter my own channels for the custom bouquet?

07-04-16, 17:18
Or do you have instructions for adding a custom bouquet to that file please.

07-04-16, 21:48
Try file from post #9 > BBC HD moved

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

abu baniaz
08-04-16, 02:44
Going by your other threads, I had prepared a custom mix file for you. You need to abandon the simple favourites process. Rereading this thread I am confused. AGAIN! You have uploaded a sky xml file but you are mentioning Freesat. The channel numbers are different, you cannot refer to channels on sky with the numbers they use on Freesat.

Just answer the following questions. Do not mention anything not asked of you. If my questions do not make sense, please say so. Do not assusme.

Which providers are you using in ABM (List them all).
What region are you using for each provider. Separate answer for each provider please. Also say HD or SD.

With regards to your favourites, which provider do you want to create your favourites bouquet in?
For each channel you want, please state the following.

A:Name, B:Which ABM provider is it from, C: What is the offical number on that ABM provider (using your selected region).
4Seven HD, Freeview, 110

08-04-16, 13:54
Under <provider> in my file it says "SkyFan" (which is a custom provider you created for me). Under Protocol is says Sky.

Region is London HD

I want to create my favourites bouquet in the "SkyFan" provider.

Channels I Want in This Order

All channels below are from the Sky provider apart from 4SevenHD which is freeview:

BBC 1 HD: 106.
BBC 2 HD: 102.
ITV HD: 178.
Channel 4 HD: 227
Challenge: 145
ITV4 HD: 120
Sky Sports 1 HD: 402
Sky Sports 2 HD: 403
Sky Sports 3 HD: 404
Sky Sports 4 HD: 405
Sky Sports 5 HD: 406
Eurosport 1 HD: 410
Eurosport 2 HD: 411
Sky Sports F1 HD: 407
BT Sport 1 HD: 427
BT Sport 2 HD: 457
BT Sport ESPN HD: 458
BT Sport Europe HD: 414
Comedy Central HD: 112
Comedy Central Xtra: 128

4Seven HD, Freeview, 110
BBC Four HD: 211
Channel 5 HD: 171
CNBC: 981
CNN: 451
Dave HD: 111
E4 HD: 164
Gold: 110
ITV2 HD: 225
ITV3 HD: 263
Motors TV UK: 447
Challenge+1: 505
Comedy Central Xtra+1: 112
Gold+1: 166

abu baniaz
09-04-16, 03:50
To Action
1. You must forget your custom provider file. Delete it from your receiver.
2. You must forget "simple favourites" principle that was used for your previous file.
3. Download this attachment and unzip/unrar it
4. Transfer it to /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/SystemPlugins/AutoBouquetsMaker/custom
5. Ensure you have the latest ABM provider file.
6. The mandatory settings for ABM are pictured. London HD is the region, as per your post/thread
7. The settings I have deleted from the picture, set to whatever you like
8. You must also enable freeview

abu baniaz
09-04-16, 04:07

You made a mess of the numbers to be used. See below or custom file
Please accept/understand numbers are different depending on whether you use Sky or Freesat. Even between SD and HD numbering systems.
You can double check the numbers by referring to this file "EXAMPLE_hd_sat_282_sky_uk_CustomLCN.xml" which is located in /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/SystemPlugins/AutoBouquetsMaker/custom. The example files are created every time ABM runs.
Those who use the SD numbering system will have "EXAMPLE_sd_sat_282_sky_uk_CustomLCN.xml"

<section number="1">Sky Fan</section>
<insert target="001" source="115" provider="sat_282_sky_uk"></insert>
<insert target="002" source="141" provider="sat_282_sky_uk"></insert>
<insert target="003" source="178" provider="sat_282_sky_uk"></insert>
<insert target="004" source="227" provider="sat_282_sky_uk"></insert>
<insert target="005" source="145" provider="sat_282_sky_uk"></insert>
<insert target="006" source="120" provider="sat_282_sky_uk"></insert>
<insert target="007" source="402" provider="sat_282_sky_uk"></insert>
<insert target="008" source="403" provider="sat_282_sky_uk"></insert>
<insert target="009" source="404" provider="sat_282_sky_uk"></insert>
<insert target="010" source="405" provider="sat_282_sky_uk"></insert>
<insert target="011" source="406" provider="sat_282_sky_uk"></insert>
<insert target="012" source="410" provider="sat_282_sky_uk"></insert>
<insert target="013" source="411" provider="sat_282_sky_uk"></insert>
<insert target="014" source="407" provider="sat_282_sky_uk"></insert>
<insert target="015" source="427" provider="sat_282_sky_uk"></insert>
<insert target="016" source="457" provider="sat_282_sky_uk"></insert>
<insert target="017" source="458" provider="sat_282_sky_uk"></insert>
<insert target="018" source="433" provider="sat_282_sky_uk"></insert>
<insert target="019" source="112" provider="sat_282_sky_uk"></insert>
<insert target="020" source="128" provider="sat_282_sky_uk"></insert>
<insert target="021" source="110" provider="terrestrial_uk_freeview"></insert>
<insert target="022" source="143" provider="sat_282_sky_uk"></insert>
<insert target="023" source="105" provider="sat_282_sky_uk"></insert>
<insert target="024" source="505" provider="sat_282_sky_uk"></insert>
<insert target="025" source="506" provider="sat_282_sky_uk"></insert>
<insert target="026" source="111" provider="sat_282_sky_uk"></insert>
<insert target="027" source="136" provider="sat_282_sky_uk"></insert>
<insert target="028" source="110" provider="sat_282_sky_uk"></insert>
<insert target="029" source="118" provider="sat_282_sky_uk"></insert>
<insert target="030" source="119" provider="sat_282_sky_uk"></insert>
<insert target="031" source="447" provider="sat_282_sky_uk"></insert>
<insert target="032" source="164" provider="sat_282_sky_uk"></insert>
<insert target="033" source="159" provider="sat_282_sky_uk"></insert>
<insert target="034" source="166" provider="sat_282_sky_uk"></insert>

10-04-16, 02:06
Thanks. For "Step 5 Ensure you have the latest ABM provider file" - where do I get that file?

abu baniaz
10-04-16, 03:04
Thanks. For "Step 5 Ensure you have the latest ABM provider file" - where do I get that file?


13-07-16, 00:34
Thanks. I've got everything working apart from the following:

Channel 5 HD is listed on the Freesat.co.uk website as being channel number: 105. However I'm only getting the standard definition channel.

Where did you find out the channel number for BBC Two HD?
BBC Two HD: 141 is correct. However FreeSat channel number on Freesat.co.uk is 102

abu baniaz
13-07-16, 09:05
As before, upload the files you are using and your debug log. Attach, do not paste.

13-07-16, 14:52
In Freesat HD bouquet (the only version in the current image) 105 is C5 HD and 102 is BBC2 HD. This is exactly what Freesat transmits in the SI tables. ABM does not modify this.

13-07-16, 22:31
Files attached

13-07-16, 23:15
Why are you talking about Freesat? You are downloading from Sky (London HD).

13-07-16, 23:22
I shall rephrase my question: Channel 5 HD is listed on the Sky Guide as being channel number: 105. However I'm only getting the standard definition channel on my Vu+ Duo2.

Where did you find out the channel number for BBC Two HD?
BBC Two HD: 141 that you gave me is correct and the channel is showing on my box. However the Sky guide says the channel number is 115.

abu baniaz
14-07-16, 00:52
< 27810.823> [ABM-config] level: expert
< 27810.825> [ABM-config] providers: sat_282_sky_uk:hd_london:149:|terrestrial_uk_freev iew:caldbeck_eng_______:157:
< 27810.826> [ABM-config] keepbouquets: All
< 27810.828> [ABM-config] add provider prefix: False
< 27810.830> [ABM-config] show in extensions menu: False
< 27810.832> [ABM-config] placement: top
< 27810.834> [ABM-config] skip services on non-configured satellites: True
< 27810.835> [ABM-config] show non-indexed: False
< 27810.837> [ABM-config] schedule: True
< 27810.839> [ABM-config] schedule time: [6, 20]
< 27810.841> [ABM-config] schedule repeat: daily

I shall rephrase my question: Channel 5 HD is listed on the Sky Guide as being channel number: 105. However I'm only getting the standard definition channel on my Vu+ Duo2.
Where are you getting this? In your custom section or in the official bouquets?

Where did you find out the channel number for BBC Two HD?
BBC Two HD: 141 that you gave me is correct and the channel is showing on my box. However the Sky guide says the channel number is 115.
The numbers are different depending on which country you are in. We hacked them to be the same for everyone.

14-07-16, 00:56
Where are you getting this? In your custom section or in the official bouquets?

In my custom bouquet.

abu baniaz
14-07-16, 01:59
For time being, use the numbers you find in the example file.

14-07-16, 03:24
Where did you find out the channel number for BBC Two HD?
BBC Two HD: 141 that you gave me is correct and the channel is showing on my box. However the Sky guide says the channel number is 115.Depends what country you are in. BBC Two HD was left in it's original slot in ABM which is 141 so all four countries have it at the same number. This is a by-product of BBC3 stopping transmission. Previously all four countries had BBC One HD and BBC Two HD at the same numbers.

abu baniaz
14-07-16, 03:33
For time being, use the numbers you find in the example file.

Just to clarify above, use 171 for CH5 HD until it changes. I've checked a Sky HD receiver and the website, it is at 105. But the data we use from the satellite shows as 171. If you use the details in the example file, you will get what you need.

07-12-16, 22:34
Could not find a better place to put this question....It does not seem to matter what I do - cannot get 4seven channel to open - I have an enigma based Vu Solo 3 SE - every other FTA opens fine but not 4 seven - I am certainly in the footprint - is there anything special about this channel? A friend of mine had a FTA receiver and it opened without problem...The receiver was hardcoded there was not much I could see about the settings...



07-12-16, 23:19
Could not find a better place to put this question....

How about in the AutoBouquetMaker Support Discusson that you're posting in, instead of my question thread?

08-12-16, 03:14
Please start your own thread... and withe proper details of the hardware and image you are using.

abu baniaz
08-12-16, 08:36
As this thread is concluded, I'm closing it.