View Full Version : Vu+ duo boot problem

05-04-16, 20:24
Hello, I was on Apollo software previously quite outdated.. but it worked a dream. It suddenly stopped working this morning.. when it booted up it had big black lines through the start up waterfall image. After many hard resets turning off and on nothing worked.

so time to update! I downloaded hades and a new boot loader... installed the boot loader then latest version of hades. And booted up, nothing just the hades start up image then a black screen with vix spinning, then everything freezes.

I've had a crash which I've put as an attachment.

I've tried to reflash etc nothing works

any ideas on what I can do?47607

05-04-16, 21:25
sounds like a hw fault.

05-04-16, 22:11
hardware? :(