View Full Version : [VU+ Solo2] CCcam keeps stopping

04-04-16, 17:46
I have 2 Solo2+ boxes and CCcam keeps stopping. If I stop / start it or restart it, it works fine again for a few hours but then stops. I have another box that runs an older OpenViX and does not do this so it must be something in the recent version(s). Ideas?

04-04-16, 17:55
Which version of cccam?

Have you tried a different version. I have one box which runs fine with cccam 2.2.1 but doesn't work well with 2.3.0 and another which works fine with 2.3.0 but crashes anything less than 2.1.0.

Try a different version and if that keeps failing i would suggest trying OSCam instead as its a lot more efficient than cccam.

06-04-16, 16:00
VIX 4.0 Solo2 cam bug

Hello All

I have the same issue. 2.3.0 seems to work better than other versions and it is the only one that will work for 2 channels (dual tunner)
I remember in previous editions of VIX all cam 2.0.9 to 2.3.0 were working for 2 simultaneous channels, now reduced to 2.3.0 (probably since Hades).

Since last image update (4.0) I need to restart manually depending which channels 2.0.9 or 2.3.0.. (i have also tried 2.1.0.. and other available)

When looking in the list of activated Cam 2.3.0 tend to disappear and leaving both 2.0.9 + 2.3.0 activated will make most channel freeze every 20 seconds

Can you please have a look to this and see what can be the cause? It was working fine in the past and very good a long time ago .


06-04-16, 16:03
if you use it for CD NL you need the prio file with 2.3.0 and newer images.Works fine but better is Oscam.I changed to this one to and working flawlesly.Recording 4 channels of CD NL at the same time.