View Full Version : VU+ duo - advice on replacing the f-connector (coupler)!

03-04-16, 21:03
Ok, hope the thread title makes sense.

A few months ago i had an issue and part of the cable fused or broke and lodged inside the f-connector on my vu+ duo box.
It now means i only have one channel :(

I opened the box hoping it would be a quick fix but it looks like the f connector bit is mounted directly onto the board.

Part of me thinks i "may" be able to simply remove the f connector (coupler?) part and replace it, but another part thinks if i try and remove it with force i'll break the entire board.

Anyone know if it can be swapped?

If i did break it i would then be forced to upgrade to a duo2!/solo2 :)

04-04-16, 00:29
The F connectors are easily replaceable but you need to be comfortable soldering and it will require high temperatures to remove the sockets from the board. A delicate and fiddly job but do-able. The sockets are cheap enough at around £2 - £3 on ebay.

08-04-16, 19:51
Thanks for the reply! Not comfortable soldering at all.
It's also playing up and sometimes taking a while to get it to actually power up (power on - red light -> nothing, power off leave 30 secs and power on.. do we get starting.... No. rinse and repeat until we do :( ). I've disconnected the hard drive incase thats the issue. If its not, then i can justify the upgrade!

08-04-16, 20:09
If you're not comfortable doing it, i'm sure there are many TV repair shops that would handle a simple repair like that (something i used to deal with quite often as an engineer). As for not starting / red light issues, there is a common fault of a capacitor failing which causes those symptoms. The important thing (unless you intend to scrap it) is to stop using the box until the capacitor is replaced otherwise the box could be severely damaged.

08-04-16, 22:28
I have a local shop who sell these boxes. Ill pop in and see if they fix them. Thanks :)