View Full Version : VU+ Solo SE V2. View recordings on PC or Android

03-04-16, 10:58
If I ftp a recording to my PC or Android Tablet, can I view it on either of those devices.

It appears to consist of two files per recording, a meta file and an sc file. Would I need to convert, and if so, what converter would I need.
What App/Program would I need to use for playback on either platform ( I'm thinking maybe something like VLC player which will run on both platforms )

03-04-16, 11:48
Ignore those files you should also have a .ts (transport stream) file, this is what you need to be playing back and vlc player will play it back fine so long as the files are decrypted on the disk (normal operation).

03-04-16, 11:59
That's the file I tried to play with vlc, but no joy...
It was a .ts.sc file so I removed the .sc, leaving the .ts ..... but still wouldn't play on vlc. ?

14-04-16, 12:41
Ignore those files you should also have a .ts (transport stream) file, this is what you need to be playing back and vlc player will play it back fine so long as the files are decrypted on the disk (normal operation).
I finally managed to do what I required by decrypting the recording on the VU+ prior to ftp'ing to my other devices.....

Thanks DaMacFunkin