View Full Version : Amiko Alien Mini

01-04-16, 13:58
Will OpenVix v4 work with Amiko Alien Mini.


01-04-16, 17:10
Absolutely not, VIX never have and never will support Amiko boxes.

You are getting the genuine VIX image confused with the second rate and inferior image made by another image maker who is wrongly using the VIX name to his own means to sell his older inferior receivers. The original and 100% genuine VIX image team and forum do not offer any support or images for your type of receiver.

Sorry to be the barer of bad news but I'm afraid you will have to contact the retailer you purchased the box from for information on support.

05-04-16, 22:10
I sold my amiko to go to VU+ years ago, it brought me nothing but problems with no support from main seller *********** and there forum

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

05-04-16, 23:43
I know exactly who you are talking about, you should have seen the crap i went through with them, but thats another story :trustme: