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31-03-16, 22:08
Hi I shut down my edison os-mini and now when i turn it on it shows boot on lcd screen and then turns off, any ideas anyone.


01-04-16, 01:46
Do I need to restore the OS ? Not sure how though

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01-04-16, 06:39
Try USB re-flashing. Sounds like something have caused the image to stop booting.

How to USB flash http://www.openvix.co.uk/openvix-builds/Guides%20and%20Tutorials/Flashing%20Guides/How%20to%20Flash%20a%20Edision%20OS-mini%20receiver%20by%20USB.pdf

OpenViX images http://www.openvix.co.uk/index.php/downloads/edision-images/edision-os-mini/

01-04-16, 08:58
HI i have tried this and still the same not sure what is happening is their anyway to completely wipe everything from the device or should flashing it do this.

01-04-16, 18:49
Just to make things even more confusing i can ftp to the mini even thought theirs nothing on the screen and no output to the tv :confused:

01-04-16, 19:40
Just to make things even more confusing i can ftp to the mini even thought theirs nothing on the screen and no output to the tv :confused:So it doesn't actually turn off?

01-04-16, 19:44
No even though all the lights go off on it and the remote does nothing to it

01-04-16, 19:54
Have yo checked you HDMI cable connections.?

01-04-16, 19:58
yeah if i plug in a open box into the same cable it works fine, i have even tried the cable on my bluray player

01-04-16, 20:02
When you reflashed from USB what did it show on screen or on LCD screen ?

01-04-16, 20:10
on the screen i had to hold down select for 10 seconds and the box showed 1of3 up to 3of3 and then rebooted when it had finished, the box soot boot and then nothing.

01-04-16, 20:13
I had to hold down select for 10 secs for it to flash then the box showed 1of3 up to 3of3 then it rebooted then i was back to the same problem.

01-04-16, 20:19
I haven't got an Eddison box so I am unsure if that sequence on the LCD screen is the correct one. If it is the correct sequence then it sounds like faulty hardware. Someone will come back on this. Did you get the box from WOS?

01-04-16, 20:20
Yeah i got it delivered yesterday it worked for about an hour.

01-04-16, 20:22
Just one more question. This was the image you used. http://www.openvix.co.uk/index.php/downloads/edision-images/edision-os-mini/

01-04-16, 20:24
Yeah i tried the first one then the second one, its really doing my head in i have spent so much time trying to get it sorted.

01-04-16, 20:29
I know this sounds silly but have you tried unplugging from the wall and leaving it an hour or so

01-04-16, 20:29
Ok. Lets see if anyone can confirm your box is reflashing correctly with that sequence on the LCD screen. If it is correct then contact WOS first thing.

01-04-16, 22:32
No even though all the lights go off on it and the remote does nothing to itIf you can FTP to it, it is up and running.

05-04-16, 23:57
This has now gone back to WOS lets see what they come back with.

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06-04-16, 06:46
This has now gone back to WOS lets see what they come back with.

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

Don't worry about it, if faulty I'm sure it would be replaced.

09-04-16, 08:19
I received a replacement unit and its fully working, I'm more then impressed by the support and returns policy at WOS.

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