View Full Version : [VU+ Duo2] Epg missing data

28-03-16, 22:10

on sky i get all data on epg but on virgin media a lot of channels are missing data.


any ideas?


abu baniaz
28-03-16, 22:28
No useful idea can be formulated until you explain how you are gathering the epg data.

29-03-16, 18:27
I'm also seeing something similar on my ET10000 box running 4.0-003.

I have ABM configured to manage the bouquets for both Sky and Virgin. I have EPG set to Yes for Virgin EPG and have CrossEPG configured to download the EPG at I think 4 or 5 in the morning.

Since updating the box from 037 to 4.0-003 the Virgin EPG has been missing. I did a couch flash with settings restore and then manually installed my plugins.

I did spot that the file /usr/crosspepg/crossepg.config had the line db_root= set to /hdd/crossepg which for me isn't correct as it would normally be set to /media/usb/crossepg Couldn't find where that would or could be set to I edited the config file and then restarted the box.

In /etc/enigma2/settings I have the epgcache location set to /media/usb/epg.dat but after a restart and doing a manual EPG download there is no file epg.dat in /media/usb so I've got no idea what is going on.

EDIT: OK for some reason the box is creating the file epg.dat in /media/sdc1 but I can't see what setting it is using to do this?

EDIT2: I've got this in my /etc/enigma2/settings file config.misc.epgcachepath=/media/usb/
and this in /usr/crossepg/crossepg.config file db_root=/media/usb/crossepg

So where is the mismatch of /media/sdc1/epg.dat coming from?

29-03-16, 18:47
Virgin EPG needs epgrefresh, in my experience with EPG refresh, if you restore your settings, then install the plug in, you need to restore your settings again, tedious I know.
P.s. Every time I reboot my box or restore enigma there are holes all over my virgin EPG, I heard they was moving to an opentv style download I wish they would hurry the fudge up.

29-03-16, 21:11

I have attached my EPG settings.


For Sky i use the Sky UK OpenTv

abu baniaz
29-03-16, 21:21
You are obtaining the EPG data for Virgin from the internet. Is this how you want to continue to do things?

29-03-16, 22:14
I'd used this guide to set and get Virgin EPG, has until recently always worked for, am looking into why it's stopped working at the mo


abu baniaz
29-03-16, 22:31
If you want to continue using the internet based EPG download method, you need to confirm that Doglover (he maintains the rytec database) has your service references for DVB-C.

If you want to use the data from the signal wire, zap to the PVR_EPG channel or any other channel on the same frequency for two minutes.

Virgin ID
Virgin Media Previews
Virgin MOvies Preview
VM Music
VM Previews

EPG refresh plugin is not required, it automates the zapping process.
See this thread http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?40457-Using-EPG-Refresh-plugin-to-download-the-epg-off-the-stream

There is no need for the auto refresh/save options.

Two people with two different issues, in one thread is not a good idea.

01-04-16, 14:03

Thanks that did the job.

Went onto VM Previews for 2 mins and all channels EPG were full.