View Full Version : [MB Premium Twin HD] Odd icon for "potential" recording?

28-03-16, 21:55
I have an autotimer to record Goal Rush on Channel 5.

It had set one up to start at 21:57, but Ch5 moved the goal-posts and it is now set to start at 22:55. Now, since the recording time changed by >80% it wasn't considered the same programme, but since the description matched an existing timer it wouldn't set up a new one.
But that isn't the issue (I have to accept that heuristics are not perfect) - that's just the background.

To find out what recordings were in place for the programme I pressed Yellow in the EPG on Saturday's edition (this was a few days ago).
This produced a list of several programmes (it is repeated, and also on Ch5+1 etc).
As well as the green (up/down arrow) icon Saturday's one was tagged with a red icon (to show it was set to record) but Monday's (the one that had moved) was tagged with a blue icon.

I was wondering what this blue icon (of a clock?) meant?

28-03-16, 22:10
I've not come across this blue icon (that I remember) anyhow but I'm wondering why your autotimer didn't pick it up if it's only an later than it's expected start time? I thought the timewindow for checking was like an hour before time selected and about 2hrs after time selected !!

For example, the very recent autotimer I added for "The Triplets are coming" (for the OH honest lol) starts at 9pm but I can see it's checking anywhere from 8pm to 11pm. This presumably is to catch things running early/later than scheduled!

28-03-16, 22:14
What skin? Can you upload a screenshot of it?
A blue icon on default skin EPG is usually a zap to timer.

29-03-16, 10:14
I've not come across this blue icon (that I remember) anyhow but I'm wondering why your autotimer didn't pick it up if it's only an later than it's expected start time? It had already added a timer - but then Channel5 rescheduled the programme for ~1 hour later.
Since it had moved by >80% of the programme length the Autotimer code didn't see it as the same programme - if it had moved by <80% the timer's timing would have been changed.
And since I have the Autotimer set to check the Title for uniqueness, it didn't add a timer for the new time, as it already had a timer with that Title.

29-03-16, 10:16
What skin? Vix Confluence 1080[/quote]
Can you upload a screenshot of it?I'll see whether I can manually fiddle with timers to get the same effect....

29-03-16, 11:26
I'll see whether I can manually fiddle with timers to get the same effect....I've manually edited the timers.xml file to bring forward the recording of "The Championship" by 3500s.
So it now has a recording from 19:58 to 21:06 for a programme that really runs from 21:00 to 22:00.

The result in the EPG is this:


and when I press Yellow (for EPG Search) I get this:


The blue clock icon is there, but clipped.

But I think I've figured it out now - it gets flagged on programmes on each side of an actual recording, presumably because of the pre- and post-padding.