View Full Version : "Dumb" Question - How to replace the older VIX with the new VIX4?

Tassie Devil
27-03-16, 23:36
I've done the following:
* downloaded the new VIX file it and opened it up
* formatted a USB stick using HPFormat
* copied the new VIX file using teracopy
* switched off the Vu+Solo2 at the back & inserted the USB stick
* powered the Solo2 back on

All it does is to load up the GIU (Black Hole) and does not appear to find and load the new files.

Do I have to do a factory reset or delete the Black Hole GIU somewhere? If so where?

Apologies for being such a nubie about this but I'm obviously missing something.

Note that the present setup (connected to a fixed satellite dish for Optus C only) is working OK with the only hassle that sometimes the video does not lock in but the audio does so a skip or FF is needed to restore video. So the idea of the new VIX was it would help that problem and hopefully give more subtitle options which do not change at present.

Advice appreciated.


28-03-16, 00:13
* downloaded the new VIX file it and opened it up
* formatted a USB stick using HPFormatThat might be your problem.
You need to unpack the zip file in the root directory of the USB stick - it will unpack into a directory structure with the files at the bottom level.

abu baniaz
28-03-16, 00:14
There is no need to factory reset prior to flashing.

The flashing guides are here. http://www.openvix.co.uk/index.php/guides-and-tutorials/receiver-usb-flashing-guides/
Double check that you are folowing it properly. If still does not work then try a different USB flash drive.

28-03-16, 00:17
What size is the USB stick?

Once you have formatted the stick, just unzip the downloaded file directly to the USB. When inserted into the Solo2, on power up you should get a message regarding update - at this point press the front panel power button.

If you do not get the message then it has not recognised your USB stick.

Tassie Devil
28-03-16, 03:54
What size is the USB stick?

Once you have formatted the stick, just unzip the downloaded file directly to the USB. When inserted into the Solo2, on power up you should get a message regarding update - at this point press the front panel power button.

If you do not get the message then it has not recognised your USB stick.
Looks like that is what is going on - USB stick not recognised.

I've tried two different USB sticks, one 64GB, the other 4 GB with the same results. Each was formatted with HP USB disk, each had files copied using tetracopy.

First up I merely unzipped so the general file was on the USB stick -> no go
So I tried the subsidiary file solo2 -> no go
Finally I copied the 6 files below but still no go


But it merely booted into the black hole as usual.

So I guess there might be a fault in the download so I'll go through it all again :-(

Tassie Devil
28-03-16, 04:24
Downloaded again - slightly later version.

Foolishly I was not quick enough to select Quick Format with the 4GB Toshiba stick so have to wait for the slow format to finish before unpacking direct to it. And I was using WINRAR to upack - I've deleted it and will use 7-Zip to put it direct onto the USB stick.

Hopefully the next post will signal success.

Thanks for the interest & replies - your help is appreciated.

Tassie Devil
28-03-16, 06:40
OK finally in OK.

A few fine points to clean up yet but tuners set up although not completely. I need to turn off Zap errors but cannot find where to do that?