View Full Version : [Venton Unibox HDx] new vix image

27-03-16, 21:36
hi i have a venton hd2 box an i have been reading all about the new vix 4 image and it says that the venton hd box wil not be able to run the new image dose this mean i will be stuck on on the the vix 3.36 image from now on and will this now mean my box will fall behind and some plugins and other things will slowly stop working or not work as good?

27-03-16, 22:17
Image will continue to work as well plugins. You may not be able to keep up with all new development in new features and plugins

27-03-16, 22:19
Venton hd2 is still being built, Venton Eco+ has stopped.

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28-03-16, 22:44
Can I ask why you have stoped supporting some boxses

29-03-16, 05:44
Can I ask why you have stoped supporting some boxses

The 333MHz receivers that have been stopped are very old now and no longer run very well and latest images, too slow. Others have had no support from their manufacturers. We'd rather use the resources we have for boxes that are still supported and run latest images ok.

29-03-16, 19:56
i bought my box from the sponers only 16 month or so ago if i new these boxses where going to be not supported after a sutch of a short time i would of never of bothered with the venton ah well spose this means got to fork out for a more up to date box again

29-03-16, 20:31
You can still use ViX 3.2-037.

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30-03-16, 00:49
If I cary on using the vix 3.2.37
Won't my box eventually be out of date
Meaning not much would work very good
On it like addons and things like that
Is there another image that we can use
On unsupported boxes that would work
As good

abu baniaz
30-03-16, 00:56
It will carry on working. The image is pretty stable as it is. You will just not benefit from improvements.

The Openatv image has many similarities to the Vix image. However, they bundle some things that we do not, so your receiver may struggle to run them. Only way to tell is to try it.