View Full Version : [MB Premium Twin HD] Restore back to vix 4.0 not working.

24-03-16, 17:28
problem is i setup vix 4 today from fresh flash set the box up and made full image backup in backup manager.

I need to go back and get some setting i had in Vix version 3 so restored it back to that version. got my new settings from the old verision,

so I then whet to restore my new version 4 pressed the restore in the backup manager it did the scroll across then the countdown from 60 got to 0 then nothing happened just put a new file call imagerestore in the panel under my original.

Whats going on.

24-03-16, 18:25
This has been highlighted several times.... there was an issue with the last version(s?) of 3.2 imagemanager in ViX so need a new flash of V4

24-03-16, 18:53
036 should still be fine.

24-03-16, 18:56
Do a new flash again to version 4. then try restore it with the created backup copy i have made previously. i will give it a try. Thanks twol.

24-03-16, 19:15
Yep that did the trick. so if you want to use any vix ver 4 restores you need to have vix ver4 already on the box, you can't do it from vix ver3 from the backup manager. even a stored ver4.

24-03-16, 19:41
Yep that did the trick. so if you want to use any vix ver 4 restores you need to have vix ver4 already on the box, you can't do it from vix ver3 from the backup manager. even a stored ver4.Makes you wonder how you can couch-flash to v4 from v3 then...

abu baniaz
24-03-16, 19:44
image manager does not care what image you are flashing/restoring. it does not even have to be openvix

24-03-16, 19:54
leader talks about settings backups... imho

24-03-16, 20:14
In one of the last versions of 3.2 (I cannot remember which as I do my own builds) there was an issue with ImageManager which was then fixed, there was no issue with Backup (settings) manager and no 4.0 issues with either BackupManager or ImageManager (as far as I am aware and I have been running numerous couch image restores over the last n weeks on the base of 4.0 with settings from my previous 3.2 images).

So a normal couch flash from 3.2 to 4.0 with settings restore should be fine unless you happen to be on the one version that has an issue with ImageManager :)

25-03-16, 11:08
It was image manager I was having problems with.

I created a full image in 3.2 before i upgraded to ver 4 using a usb stick full fresh flash. then set the box up in the new ver 4 using a backup restore which worked fine. but then I needed to put pipservice plugin back on my box, cause it was a new plugin install into ver 4 I needed to refill the channel swap list.

so to save time I decided to do create a full image of ver 4. so I could come back to it and then ftp the channel list into pipservice file. once I had done that.

I restored back to ver 3.2 using image manager using my image I created before flashing got my file from the ver 3.2 image. then whet back into image manager to restore ver 4 full backup which I created, but it just would not restore to that image. it just created another file in the panel call imagesetter.

so the only way to get back to ver 4 was reflashing it again from usb stick. once back up and running did a restore using image manager in ver 4 with the same full backup image that I created bebore going back to ver 3.2 and it restored it.

25-03-16, 11:09
image manager does not care what image you are flashing/restoring. it does not even have to be openvix

Well it didn't work for me.

25-03-16, 11:25
It was image manager I was having problems with.

I created a full image in 3.2 before i upgraded to ver 4 using a usb stick full fresh flash. then set the box up in the new ver 4 using a backup restore which worked fine. but then I needed to put pipservice plugin back on my box, cause it was a new plugin install into ver 4 I needed to refill the channel swap list.

so to save time I decided to do create a full image of ver 4. so I could come back to it and then ftp the channel list into pipservice file. once I had done that.

I restored back to ver 3.2 using image manager using my image I created before flashing got my file from the ver 3.2 image. then whet back into image manager to restore ver 4 full backup which I created, but it just would not restore to that image. it just created another file in the panel call imagesetter.

so the only way to get back to ver 4 was reflashing it again from usb stick. once back up and running did a restore using image manager in ver 4 with the same full backup image that I created bebore going back to ver 3.2 and it restored it.

.... because (I guess you were running with the 3.2 version that had the restore bug that never completed the restore.:)

25-03-16, 12:00
it was vix 3.2 037. The last update.

25-03-16, 12:05
yes 037 has a bug... just upgraded from 036 and all went fine.