View Full Version : [MB Premium Micro] Couch Flash fail - box doesnt reboot

24-03-16, 12:00
Flashed from 3.2.37 to 4 using couch flash process - flash procedure seemed successful and the box wanted to reboot which it tried and failed. ever since then the box now seems dead - i dont see the bootlogo or anything....

tried to power off the box from the mains and restart - no luck.

24-03-16, 12:07
Try a flash via usb

24-03-16, 12:10
Try a flash via usb

will give that a try which is a nuisance (once I manage to locate the instructions) - still doesn't explain why the couch flash process failed

24-03-16, 12:31
Abu's answer #2 may explain.


24-03-16, 12:31
Abu posted yesterday that there was a bug in the ofgwrite and some people would need to usb flash just for this build which is how I did all 3 of my boxes last night.

24-03-16, 13:52
OK - USB Flash process isnt working for me - should I open another thread or will this support thread suffice?

Followed the instructions here http://www.openvix.co.uk/openvix-builds/Guides%20and%20Tutorials/Flashing%20Guides/How%20to%20Flash%20a%20Miraclebox%20Micro%20series %20receiver%20by%20USB.pdf

The light stays red for 20 secs and then reverts to blue - no activity on the box after that.

24-03-16, 14:05
Have you any other usb connected to your box other than the one you are using for flashing

24-03-16, 14:06
Have you any other usb connected to your box other than the one you are using for flashing


I just USB flashed 3.2.37 and that worked fine.

24-03-16, 14:10
Ok I would wipe the usb and download the new image again it could have been corrupt for whatever reason

24-03-16, 14:28
Ok I would wipe the usb and download the new image again it could have been corrupt for whatever reason

OK - success

downloaded the 4.0 image again and reflashed it via USB

two open issues.

with couch flash i got the message - reflash successful - reboot in 3 secs - and the box didn't reboot.

I got the same message with the 1st USB flash attempt

surprised that despite the success message the box didn't reboot.

i'd like to know if there is an issue with the image or with the box - if the latter then i will want it replaced while under warranty.


24-03-16, 14:32
I should also add that this is NOT the 1st time I have had issues with couch flash and this particular box.

previous thread


24-03-16, 14:46
I know a lot of members don't do this but I always install new image has if it is a new box setup , I always have a backup just in case there is a problem with the image but touch wood not so far. I know it can be a pain for some but I just feel better doing it this way . The only issues I have had so far have been caused by myself but it is a great way of learning.

29-03-16, 15:51
team - any insight into what the issue could be?

29-03-16, 16:48
i'd like to know if there is an issue with the image or with the box - if the latter then i will want it replaced while under warranty.


It's not a hardware issue, its an issue with ofgwrite. Problem is the box does not have an RS232 port to take logs.

29-03-16, 16:59
It's not a hardware issue, its an issue with ofgwrite. Problem is the box does not have an RS232 port to take logs.

Pointed out in posts 4 & 5 :)

30-03-16, 19:22
Pointed out in posts 4 & 5 :)

I read the thread that you linked to however that is not the issue that I was experiencing.

It's not a hardware issue, its an issue with ofgwrite. Problem is the box does not have an RS232 port to take logs.

OK -I have access to 3 different Boxes that i always keep updated with the latest and this issue is ONLY with the Miracle Micro.

13-04-16, 20:16
It's not a hardware issue, its an issue with ofgwrite. Problem is the box does not have an RS232 port to take logs.

box is currently running 4.0.003

does that mean when i flash to 4.1 i shouldn't have any issues anymore?

16-04-16, 09:15
Couch flashed the micro to 4.1 - same identical issue as with previous upgrade to 4.0

had to reflash using USB in order to get the box to come up eventually - tedious.

There was an intermittent issue with Image Manager/Ofgwrite. There was a fix in 4.0 002.

USB flash will have to be used by those who have the issue.

clearly this is a different issue to what Abu is referring to OR it is yet to be resolved....

abu baniaz
17-04-16, 05:01
Couch flashed the micro to 4.1 - same identical issue as with previous upgrade to 4.0

had to reflash using USB in order to get the box to come up eventually - tedious.

clearly this is a different issue to what Abu is referring to OR it is yet to be resolved....

A different issue. I would suggest you flash by USB until you are notified that it has been fixed. It is not the only receiver that cannot use ofgwrite.

Can you take up closeup pictures of the motherboard of the receiver. There could be connections to enable serial logs to be taken (D+, D-, GND).

abu baniaz
23-04-16, 23:06
Can you issue the following command and post back the result.

cat /proc/mtd

26-04-16, 13:17
Can you issue the following command and post back the result.

cat /proc/mtd

dev: size erasesize name
mtd0: 0f800000 00020000 "complete"
mtd1: 00600000 00020000 "kernel"
mtd2: 0f200000 00020000 "rootfs"

abu baniaz
14-12-16, 02:39
This issue is because of the bootloader. E-mail the manufacturer if you need latest bootloader. They said very few people affected.

If no respsonse, PM me your email address

15-12-16, 23:24
Just Emailed them - thanks.