View Full Version : [ViX_Misc] FTP issue with DCC

23-03-16, 01:15
I have performed a couch flash using Image Manager of OpenVix 4.0 002
without a Settings restore as it don't take long to setup what i need from scratch,

I went through the install wizard as usual
next job was to set my root password using DCC & DCC just wont fully establish a connection

So I tried VU Control Centre, connection was instant which allowed me to set a root password via telnet
& i used Filezilla to add timers, autotimers etc etc.

I have since tried to use DCC again it just wont fully establish a connection

Telnet Connected
FTP Connected

It just doesn't detect Enigma2

Any of you guys experiencing the same or is it just me ?

DCC works fine on my boxes that are flashed with OpenVix 3.2

23-03-16, 02:04
I have a VU+SOLOSE V2 and I flash VIX 4.0.002 It is O.K
But when I go to DCC it chrashes and I can't go on.
Any answerd ?

Rob van der Does
23-03-16, 06:07
What crashes? And why did you full in "Vix 3.0.037 " while you say to be on 4.0.002?

23-03-16, 07:56
Yes, I have the same problem... DCC connects but continues the 'busy' icon indefinately (but does work sluggishly). OTOH, Filezilla works fine with 4.0.002.

Rob van der Does
23-03-16, 07:57
Remember DCC is very old.

23-03-16, 07:59
Yes I have had the same problem with DCC. I used filezilla okay, but sometimes I find DCC more convenient. However, now it doesn't fully connect... (however it did seem to partially, sluggishly work).

Rob van der Does
23-03-16, 08:08
Which version of DCC do you guys use?

23-03-16, 09:10
I had something similar last night out the blue. Had to disable my virus checker

Sent from my VF695 using Tapatalk

23-03-16, 10:23
Which version of DCC do you guys use?

DCC - E2 v1.50

23-03-16, 10:41
Yes, same version here. I'll try the virus checker/firewall thing. Might need some sort of exception ...

23-03-16, 10:43
Not as old as you and I, Rob:eek:
Good to see you back posting on this forum.

23-03-16, 15:34
i am using dcc2.96 and tried to use it with image 4 it just locked up the whole apt and i could not close it down on my pc i had to force shut down on pc ive always used this version off dcc and i found it very easy and effecient to use on all images and id hate to lose it

23-03-16, 17:44
Why use Dcc? FileZilla does the same job.

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23-03-16, 18:12
Not quite the same
DCC uses a UNIX editor
FileZilla uses plain text editor

They both have advantages & disadvantages
I guess it's down to what the end user feels comfortable with.

23-03-16, 18:22
Not quite the same
DCC uses a UNIX editor
FileZilla uses plain text editor

They both have advantages & disadvantages
I guess it's down to what the end user feels comfortable with.

Just change Filezilla to use a different editor like Notepad++

Rob van der Does
23-03-16, 18:47
And DCC has much more functionality than just FTP :)

I can't test ViX 4.0 atm, but I always found DCC 1.46 to be the most reliable version.

23-03-16, 18:53
DCC is easy and wonderfull to do several things like FTP-ing and edithing files with my windows PC without having to do acrobatic tricks.If it is not working in new image on my DUO2 than I rather stay on old vix or go to another image.Sorry guys buth maybe not everyone is a computer specialist on linux.Or maybe awaite an update where it is workingagain.

Rob van der Does
23-03-16, 18:57
Last update of DCC was years ago, so this could be a long wait....
Did you try different versions of DCC?

23-03-16, 19:12
I did not update until I know DCC 1.50 is working.Maybe give it a try over the weekend and giving feedback here.Perhaps it is just a wrong setting

23-03-16, 19:26
I did not update until I know DCC 1.50 is working.Maybe give it a try over the weekend and giving feedback here.Perhaps it is just a wrong setting

You will never update then. DCC is not compatible with latest OE-A core changes, DCC will need to be updated. Time to learn something new and move forward with the times :) From what I've been told DCC no longer works with ATV 5.2 either.

23-03-16, 19:37
then so it be.Maybe time for a new image.Or a program with ALL the same functionalities as DCC.

23-03-16, 19:50
then so it be.Maybe time for a new image.Or a program with ALL the same functionalities as DCC.

Good luck... :)

23-03-16, 20:27
Mr boss I don't personally use DCC but can you explain what within the program no longer works with Vix and why it was needed to change it, seems strange that a windows program no longer works.

23-03-16, 20:37
I assune that dcc depends on some interface that has changed in the current oe-a build. If so I am guessing that is likely to be true for most images.
I use filezilla because it works regardless whether I am on Win10 or Ubuntu, and I really don,t think I need any Acrobatics to do anything ..... like most things once you learn what a program can actually do, you often find that you can do everything that another program does except the keystrokes may be different.
Its like life if you sit there expecting things to stay the same then you are likely to become extinct:)

23-03-16, 21:48
Mr boss I don't personally use DCC but can you explain what within the program no longer works with Vix and why it was needed to change it, seems strange that a windows program no longer works.

DCC is old, my uneducated guess is its the way is parses telnet/ftp log in. A lot of packages have updated in OE 3.3.

Filezilla is always updated to to ensure compatibility with latest security etc... DCC is not.

abu baniaz
23-03-16, 22:19
Filezilla uses the user's default editor. Install Notepad++ and use/set that as the default editor. DCC does not do drag and drop.

Rob van der Does
23-03-16, 22:33
As I said before: DCC is much more then FTP. Frankly I use DCC quite often, but never for FTP.

23-03-16, 22:37
Filezilla uses the user's default editor. Install Notepad++ and use/set that as the default editor. DCC does not do drag and drop.

I already had Notepad++installed & i have set it as the default editor in FileZilla
(just like Sicilian mentioned it in a earlier post) :thumbsup:

I have found the IPK installer in VU Control Centre gives a error when attempting to install a ipk this way

opkg prepare url for install: couldn't find anythink to satisfy enigma2 plugins
but that's no biggy as ipk can either be ftp to tmp folder or popped on a usb stick

I will contact the Author of VUCC so hes aware of the IPK issue.


25-03-16, 11:01
This version of DCC-E2 v1.41 (24.08.2011) works well with OpenVix 4.0 (OE-A 3.3) :thumbsup:


26-03-16, 12:43
141 working for me also. Thanks compass.

26-03-16, 14:13
here to.Many thanks.Did clean update and working fine.

26-03-16, 15:02
I've got both Dreambox Control Center 2.96 and DCC_E2 v1.46 and they both connect to my Vu Solo and ET 10000 box, I do run them in Windows 7 compatability mode.

Yes there are issues in that they both seem to not change the cursor from the busy spinning circle but they both work but there are 2 things to note, both of which I work around. First is that for me that if you disconnect and then reconnect the FTP won't sometimes connect, telnet does connect though. The other is that they won't terminate so have to killed using Task Manager. As I said I just work around these issues.

If you want FTP and Telnet then you can always use Putty or AnyConnect? So there are ways around if you look around but to me it's hardly a reason to abandon an image because some 3rd party tool which is no longer being updated stops working.

26-03-16, 15:08
no need to abandon because older version 1.41 is free download and works completely fine.I tried 1.42 but not working.I can do all as in version 1.50 with older image.For channelk lists I still use DBE and also working fine.

Rob van der Does
26-03-16, 17:08
For channelk lists I still use DBE and also working fine.
A bit off-topic, but I suggest to use E-Channelizer instead. Much more comprehensive and intuitive!


26-03-16, 17:10
A bit off-topic, but I suggest to use E-Channelizer instead. Much more comprehensive and intuitive!


Couldn't agree more :):)

26-03-16, 17:39
beautifull but XP not supported.Maybe I am old but my XP is working fine for everything I do so no need to go to another version.

26-03-16, 17:51
beautifull but XP not supported.Maybe I am old but my XP is working fine for everything I do so no need to go to another version.

Yes, but you are highly restricted especially if your PC breaks ....for about 30 pounds I would buy an upgrade to Win7 from Internet and take the free WIN10 upgrade then you can take advantage of any future PC technology without worries. :)

Rob van der Does
26-03-16, 17:54
I presume you're not exposing an XP machine to the internet? That would be very, extremely unsafe indeed.

28-03-16, 23:22
ive downloaded latest version of filzilla on windows 10 and installed it but it wont connect to box because it says doesnt support ftp over tls .what does this mean

Rob van der Does
13-04-16, 12:08
I have no issues using STB's with ViX 4.1 & DCC 2.96

13-04-16, 12:39
Since win 10 I need to stop my virus protection to connect then when finished start it up again

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13-04-16, 15:19
I went back to DCC 1.41 and this is working .Later versions have problems with newer image version.Started already with version 4.x.

Rob van der Does
13-04-16, 15:31
I'm using DCC 2.96 without an issues with ViX 4.1

13-04-16, 15:33
I will give it a try this weekend after updathing to latest vix.

16-04-16, 15:17
version 2.96 is working but under windows Xp i can not close the application.Strange because before I had no problems with it.

29-04-16, 21:06
I think the problem is that DCC is trying to identify the boxtype. On other images it connects to Telnet and FTP and describes the box it is connecting to is or says "boxtype unknown". This part of the login process is not working on the openvix image and so it hangs as it continues to try to identify the box.

01-05-16, 21:17
i use dcc e2 150 on latest image with out any issues, on pc running windows 8.1

01-05-16, 21:32
using 1.41 and no problems