View Full Version : [ViX_Misc] Where can I find the OpenVIX 4.0 sources?

22-03-16, 20:43
If I run:

git clone git://github.com/oe-alliance/build-enviroment.git oe-alliance

and run an update/build from it, it is still building 3.2_037.
Where can I find the 4.0 source repository?

22-03-16, 20:45
-- branch 3.3
Or git checkout 3.3 before running the build (probably needs a make update as well depending on how you run the build)

I always use the specific branch rather than checkout but either should work

22-03-16, 21:02
-- branch 3.3Thanks - that now has me building 4.0.002.

23-03-16, 00:57
For anyone (else) trying the build from scratch you'll find that the autossh build fails, as all of the attempted locations:

no longer - or never did - exist (all give ERROR 404: Not Found)

I have found a location that does exist, http://pkgs.fedoraproject.org/lookaside/pkgs/autossh/autossh-1.4c.tgz/26520eea934f296be0783dabe7fcfd28/autossh-1.4c.tgz, so you'll need to edit the *.bb file accordingly.

23-03-16, 07:26
There are a couple of useful sites around for some files, but basically once you have run your 1st build make sure you move the sources directory to a new location and update the site.conf in the oe-alliance to point to the new location.... and save a copy of the updated site.conf
Providing you don,t change your build machine this file never changes (since I have been building), so if you re-clone the oe-alliance copy site.conf over before running the build.

Not only saves time in fetching what you already have found but stops all those 404,s:)

I am continually grateful for one of the developers allowing me access to another images build sources directory when I was having issues finding things ...

23-03-16, 08:03
Also once you have found a missing file such as a simple tgz and it is the correct version etc, copy it to the source folder and add an empty folder with the same name plus .done eg fred.airlift.tgz.done
Saves changing the oe-a files :) and avoids any update errors

23-03-16, 16:28
The one from the .bb is an active link.



And like twol says, if you save your sources directory you bypass all the pain of having to download every single file when building from scratch.

23-03-16, 16:41
The one from the .bb is an active link.



Yep, absolutely correct. There are all sorts of reasons for not finding a file, doesn't mean it won't be there shortly or is invalid ... they could just be updating at that moment or the sites fallen over (does happen :) )
I have learned to be careful about running a build at certain times, people have a bizarre need to update their channels lists in mid afternoon (every day) for example:)

23-03-16, 18:19
And like twol says, if you save your sources directory you bypass all the pain of having to download every single file when building from scratch.Except that:

new users will always have to build from scratch
if the source is no longer available it implies that it might have been superseded, possibly by a version with a bug/security fix.

although it seems that this one has re-appeared at the site, somehow...(to me a 404 means, Web site OK, file isn't here).

I normally would have re-used my set-up, but I wanted to keep the 3.2 build in place for the moment.
And just letting my laptop run for 2 hours while I watch TV doesn't cause me a problem...

23-03-16, 21:23
If you are downloading hundreds of files you are bound to find a few that are temporarily offline.

If you stick the sources folder inside your user folder you can share it between multiple build envs. I was recently using the same sources folder for OpenViX 3.2, 4.0 and PLi5. Works fine. If the file goes out of date the .bb file will change and the new file be requested.

24-03-16, 01:26
If you stick the sources folder inside your user folder you can share it between multiple build envs.I only built it in the first place to see how it was done. Then I was going to use it to build debug versions of enigma2, but decided that it wasn't really a development/debug environment, just a build one.
So I built gcc for my box (and gfortran - so I now have a working spell-checker for my editor on my box!!) However, I then realized that I didn't have autoconf/automake, etc., so now build enigma2 in a Debian mips qemu environment in a VirtualBox Debian system, which works well enough to test things (and I have an OpenVix set-up running in a similar qemu environment - so I can compile in a multi-core, 16GB set-up)).
But now I see that OpenVix4.0 moved to gcc 5.3, so at some point I may have to look at getting everything working in that OpenVix qemu set-up...

What would be better would be to work out bit-bake recipes to get teh standard build to build mips-native versions of relevant tools along the way, but I haven't figured out how to do that, and the only such recipes for gcc I could find are part of an old bitbake set-up that is no longer in use. Perhaps I need to read the documentation....

abu baniaz
24-03-16, 02:38
When you test chnages, are you rebuilding the whole image or rebuilding enigma2?

24-03-16, 11:16
When you test chnages, are you rebuilding the whole image or rebuilding enigma2?Just rebuilding enigma2 - takes ~20s on one or two source file changes.