View Full Version : Problem with solo2 set up

22-03-16, 17:55
I am having a nightmare with legit sky sub on my solo 2,

I have the box wired connected to a BT hub 5.

My box is running the latest vix image 3.2, downloaded from here.

I have reflashed the box a few times now with 3.2, purely because it gets unresponsive to restore backup, factory reset and FTP to the box,as I keep going around in circles.

Currently I am trying to restore a backup because my box keeps crashing. my box is stuck doing a background update check is in progress , please try later. And from what I have found all is left is a reflash and start again.

I have tried changing DNS to 8.8.8,8 and Save the settings,i then reboot the router and box but it resets back to the original

I have tried turning on DMZ with the solo2 , but that didn't help

I get glitches on trying to use cccam (2.3.0) or mgcamd (1.38) plugins. Currently If I click on plugins it says No new plugins found

I have lots of error logs but can't take them from the box as can't FTP in.

I know if I reflash the box and the reprogram a fresh install, it is all good until I get it set up. Then it all starts again

Is anyone else here having the same issue or solved it.

Any help or pointers will be very much appreciated

22-03-16, 17:57
If you're using a legit sky sub, the box doesn't need internet access to view subbed channels.

22-03-16, 20:10
I need the internet for the kids for IPTV plug in.

Also the bigger picture is that the box keeps crashing, I have managed to send a log file in now via the box.

I need to work out why the box keeps crashing and refusing access to FTP.

I found a thread on this forum relating to BT hub 5 and issues.

But would the internet cause the box to refuse factory reset, not allow back up restore, not allow plugin down load or removal

I read the DNS could be the issue that is why I play with that.

There is a issue some where with my box internet or not.

If others here are running solo2 with BT hub 5 with no issues then I know its my box and not the Router.

But still it is crashing and that can't be being caused by the internet.

I don't know

I am just frustrated that you have the box on and then it crashes.

22-03-16, 20:20
I have a BT Hub 5 and no issues here.

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22-03-16, 22:01
Sounds like image is corrupted reflash probably the only answer, then if it carries on the same way its a hardware problem.
99% sure it will only need a reflash though

22-03-16, 22:05
Hardware issue only option left think. Could it be the Ethernet port?

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22-03-16, 22:07
How do you address a hardware issue, is it back to WOS?

22-03-16, 22:13
might be thinking of a bad lan cable or homeplug if used,anything going to internal flash.starting from scratch and setting up again.

can box be run in a different house to rule out things?

22-03-16, 22:13
I downloaded the image from here, I have never tried a different image i.e. blackhole. Is it worth ago? or a waste of time.

I know this is a VIX forum and respect that as I have only used VIX, but just thinking about options to resolve the issue


23-03-16, 00:57
might be thinking of a bad lan cable or homeplug if used,anything going to internal flash.starting from scratch and setting up again.

can box be run in a different house to rule out things?

How can I tell if anything is going to internal flash? ( I have 1TB HDD, and 2 X 16gb USB sticks for storage and data)

I used to have home plugs, but they broke, so changed to a long LAN cable. It was from my BT TV box, purely because it was long.

I could change TV and then test a different cable, but don't have another long one.

24-03-16, 09:50
Last night I flashed my box with Black hole, I must say trying to set this up is a nightmare.

In the end I gave up, and this morning I reflashed with VIX again and fingers crossed after 30 minutes it seems to be ok.

No crashes.

So I am thinking as someone mentioned above, the crashing could be down to internal flash being full. And right now being a new flash it is probably empty.

But soon what ever maybe going there will fill it up possibly and my crashing may restart

So How can I check the internal flash??

Also when you summit a log, do you get a response back to help you resolve issues? or are the logs just for future improvements

03-04-16, 22:09
I have a faulty BT hub 5 and a new one on the way.

But my box still continues to crash, no mater what it is doing

I did a instal today of BlackHole .4 and ATV5.1.

I got them working but never left them on long to see if the crashed too, I didn't like the images

I put open vix 4.0 back on my box

The EPG wanted to safe to internal flash, obviously I changed to USB, set all up. But can't access plugin.

I am sure this will start again soon

How do I check the internal flash?

Will a factory reset clean the internal flash?

I need to stop this box crashing

Please help and advise

03-04-16, 22:15
Fresh flash wipes the internal flash yes. Anything saved to usb/hdd will not be erased.

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04-04-16, 10:38
That makes good sense now, my backup's have disappeared, I tried to create a new one and the box error saying the location is full.

My HDD and Usb have lots of free space.

So I must be sending plugins and backups to internal flash

How do I stop this, then the crashing will probably stop

please help

04-04-16, 17:19
The crash logs talk about plugins, I only had the basic installed and picon updater, I have just reflashed with no picon updater.
But I have a feeling that they are being saved to the internal flash.

I maybe wrong, and maybe its the picon updater that is causing the issue

04-04-16, 17:36
Settings Backups/image backups/picons are under your control ...
Backups/Image mgr. blue button/vix/backups or image mgr press menu. Setup location NOT flash:)
Picons ... Place on usb ... System will find them!
Download plugins from feeds .. If not there don,t install from another location unless you know what you are doing:)

04-04-16, 17:36
ok, so the back up must be going internal flash too then. As i just reflashed, went to load back up and it is not there.

it says thou the location is Device: /media/hdd

04-04-16, 17:38
See above ...."............

04-04-16, 17:39
I down loaded the picons from the feeds.

I am getting feed up thou, of the box crashing, reflashing and then re setting up.

Its a nasty loop

04-04-16, 18:24
Reflashed for the 5th time today, this is the error message I am getting


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04-04-16, 18:41
Settings Backups/image backups/picons are under your control ...
Backups/Image mgr. blue button/vix/backups or image mgr press menu. Setup location NOT flash

I can't see how you get to the above

Menu/timers or info or plugin or setup or standby
Blue button cccam info or crossEPG or softcam manager or vix or xmltv

Can't see backups

If I go vix/backup manager, I can restore or make back up only

04-04-16, 18:57
Settings Backups/image backups/picons are under your control ...
Backups/Image mgr. blue button/vix/backups or image mgr press menu. Setup location NOT flash

I can't see how you get to the above

Menu/timers or info or plugin or setup or standby
Blue button cccam info or crossEPG or softcam manager or vix or xmltv

Can't see backups

If I go vix/backup manager, I can restore or make back up only
Blue button -> VIX
Choose Backup Manager or Image Manager select then press Menu button -> select where you want to save.

04-04-16, 19:00
You need to test properly. Flash image from usb. No lan cable connected. Run for at least 24 hours with cable disconnected. Connect cable and run for another 24 hours without loading any plugin. Load one pllugin at a time and leave at least 24 hours between loading one and the next.

05-04-16, 21:59
For what it's worth I don't think it's a good idea to have a hard drive and two usb's connected. Try it with just the hard drive and put epg, picons etc on that.

I just have a single 1TB drive connected and everything works fine.

05-04-16, 22:05
Fresh flash wipes the internal flash yes. Anything saved to usb/hdd will not be erased.

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My HDD has been wiped, in trouble with family. There was loads on it.

Not sure how if flashing doesn't wipe it as that is all I have done.

I have looked on the box direct and via FTP, it's not even in the trash.

05-04-16, 22:27
Close your port forwarding and do not put the receiver in dmz. Also try putting a network switch between receiver and router. It's not a hardware issue.

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10-04-16, 17:10
I got a new hub5 from BT, and every thing is running smooth.
No more crashing/errors

Just worried about if I reflash for a future update that the hard drives doesn't get wiped again