View Full Version : Help Needed 1 lnb

15-03-16, 15:28
I have 1 lnb connected to tuner B using disceq A/B on my solo2 and tuner A set to loop through to tuner B
I can watch/record on tunerB but when I try to watch another channel whilst recording I get the info screen saying channel and tunerA then blank screen.
I assume I have set up the tuner config wrong
any ideas thanks

15-03-16, 15:49
You need two feeds from your dish to record and watch another channel at the same time unless the channel you are trying to watch is on the same transponder as the one you are recording.

15-03-16, 16:02
You need two feeds from your dish to record and watch another channel at the same time unless the channel you are trying to watch is on the same transponder as the one you are recording.

yes I realise that but I was trying to record a channel on 12110H ssp@@T2 and watch another ssp@@F1 which is also on 12110H so I thought that should work ,maybe I am wrong.I am waiting for a new duel lnb to be fitted

15-03-16, 16:08
if you configure tuner a as "connected to tuner b" then this should work.
in your channel list the channels that you can't watch should be greyed out.
what do you need disqc a/b for? for one lnb there is no need imho.

15-03-16, 16:26
ok so I need to be a bit careful here
I have found it works if I restart the softcam,is there a setting needs changing? I have automatic start up ticked
sorry if this is off limits

15-03-16, 16:35
if you configure tuner a as "connected to tuner b" then this should work.
in your channel list the channels that you can't watch should be greyed out.
what do you need disqc a/b for? for one lnb there is no need imho.

As per my above post I now have found I need to restart the softcam then the watched channel works (on the same transponder)
I need disceq as I actually have 2 lnbs for 2 satelites,I should have said single feed not lnb

abu baniaz
15-03-16, 17:20
As per my above post I now have found I need to restart the softcam then the watched channel works (on the same transponder)
You should not have to do this. Something is amiss.

15-03-16, 17:44
So which softcam?

15-03-16, 18:02
Abu thank you I agree, what I have found is that if I am recording 1 channel and try to watch another channel on the same transponder the box says tunerB the same as the recording tuner and if I restart softcam it works and I get a picture.
However if I try another channel on a different frequency (not one greyed out) the box selects tuner A and even if I restart nothing happens.
Bare in mind I have 1 feed connected to tunerB and tunerA as loop to B

Any ideas where to start as I am not 100% sure what is the correct working.I assume with the tuners set as above I should be able to record one channel and watch any of the non greyed out ones .Is that correct

abu baniaz
15-03-16, 18:13
Loop through allows you to use channels on two trasnponders provided they are on the same quadrant. This is why it is jumping to Tuner A. You are benefitting from loop through, tuner config is fine as far as I can conclude.

The discussion was at softcam stage, not tuner configuration. Provided you stay within the rules, people will assist. Please answer following questions.
Q1. Name of softcam
Q2. Version number of softcam

15-03-16, 18:24
Abu I am trying to be careful as been told off before LOL:rolleyes:

it is this one I downloaded Enigma2-plugin-cams-oscam8784-cccam 213-vix_all.ipk
installed via temp folder works perfectly on a single channel,using cc part

15-03-16, 18:28
Abu I am trying to be careful as been told off before LOL:rolleyes:

it is this one I downloaded Enigma2-plugin-cams-oscam8784-cccam 213-vix_all.ipk
installed via temp folder works perfectly on a single channel,using cc part
Confused are you using Oscam or CCcam?
Anyway try Cccam 2.3.0

15-03-16, 18:35
cccam where can I download 2.3 from please.I followed a link from here to a site call 4share I think but every time I highlighted a file to download the down load button disappeared.
Do I just install it ,do I need to remove the existing one if so how?
sorry for the newby questions still trying to learn

abu baniaz
15-03-16, 18:39
Install it from the plugins menu

Menu > Plugins > Green button (download) > Softcams > select CCcam 2.30 > press OK

Once you have installed it, leave the other cams installed (just incase the uninstall script also removes other files). Just stop/disable them in softcam menu, and set 2.30 as the default one.

15-03-16, 18:47
cccam where can I download 2.3 from please.I followed a link from here to a site call 4share I think but every time I highlighted a file to download the down load button disappeared.
Do I just install it ,do I need to remove the existing one if so how?
sorry for the newby questions still trying to learn
.... And maybe in future install direct from the Vix feeds as per Abu,s post? :)

15-03-16, 18:47
Abu many thanks downloaded and installed 2.3 works perfectly,now to await new duel LNB to be fitted

15-03-16, 18:50
.... And maybe in future install direct from the Vix feeds as per Abu,s post? :)

yeah I wasnt even aware that they existed all very new to me,had been searching the interweb for files

15-03-16, 18:58
You need to play with the box a bit more, its surprising what you might find!
We all learn, just takes some playing around :)

15-03-16, 22:30
You need to play with the box a bit more, its surprising what you might find!
We all learn, just takes some playing around :)

only had it less than a week ,a bit scared in case I fook it up,although I found how to backup a full image so should be able to go back as long as I can load vix

abu baniaz
15-03-16, 22:41
If you save the working image to USB, you can always flash even if the receiver does not boot into Vix.