View Full Version : [ViX_Misc] Edges of menu not viewable

15-03-16, 09:37
Hi installed blue HD from the plugin but cannot see some letter from the left hand side when i go to user interface settings.47310

15-03-16, 09:50
Hi installed blue HD from the plugin but cannot see some letter from the left hand side when i go to user interface settings.47310

15-03-16, 10:02
Nothing to do with the skin.
Overscan is enabled on your TV.

15-03-16, 10:04
Why all the duplicate threads? Please stop.

abu baniaz
15-03-16, 11:44
Thread title changed to reflect problem. And second thread merged.

As above, disable overscan on your TV.

If this is not possible, you need to adjust the OSD position. Menu > Setup > System > User interface > Positob setup