View Full Version : [VU+ Duo2] Timer/tuner problem

14-03-16, 09:48
Box has 4 tuners, only 3 connected, and tried to add a record timer last night, there was already a zap and a record for the same time slot and the box would not add the third, I have had all 3 tuners in use at the same time before and I checked to see they were all working so wondered if anyone had an idea why the box would not use the other tuner or is there any way to force it to use a particular tuner for timers.

14-03-16, 14:43
If you have a fixed twin LNB on 28°e and a single LNB on the motorised dish it can sometimes lock the motorised dish on a 28° recording.

That means that if the third recording is on a non-28°e channel it won't go there as the tuner is already reserved.

14-03-16, 19:50
System is "fixed twin LNB on 28°e and a single LNB on the motorised dish" - I was wanting 2 recordings and a zap on 28E so moved the dish to it last night when I was checking the tuners but the box was still behaving like it only had the 2 fixed tuners on 28E.
I have just tried setting an auto timer for when 2 other timers are set and now it keeps coming up with a message on screen sometimes saying something about being unable to set timer.

15-03-16, 15:15
It sounds that your box is not set up correctly

Do a simple test in real time - don't use the timer:

Move the dish to an fta channel on 19°e - start a recording
Switch to an fta channel on 28°e - start a recording
Switch to a different fta channel (NB on a different transponder) on 28°e - start a recording

You should have three recordings working at the same time - check the recordings list - you should see three red buttons.
If you can't achieve this it indicates you have not set up your sytstem correctly.

15-03-16, 17:33
set preferred recordingtuner to a fixed tuner .Not the rotor tuner.And do not setup the 4 th tuner.

16-03-16, 10:46
Tried getting all 3 tuners working together the other night and they seemed OK but just tried doing 3 recordings and all worked when done manually.
I was trying to set 3 timers again last night, if I tried setting a third normal timer it comes up with conflicting timers which wouldn't be conflicting if it would use the other tuner and if I try setting it up with an auto-timer it just keeps putting a message up something like 'unable to set timer'

16-03-16, 18:31
Did you do what I suggested - set up three separate records at the same time?

You say that you did - if so what were the three channels?
I still think you have not set uop your box correctly. To get informed help it helps to put more information in your posts.

16-03-16, 19:23
FYI: There is still a bug in the standard TimerSanityCheck code (http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?49866-TimerSanityCheck-can-report-a-failure-when-it-should-be-OK&p=392869&viewfull=1#post392869) which means that it can report a false clash when setting an nth recording with n tuners.

This wouldn't affect a test with 3 current recordings (i.e. not timers).

16-03-16, 19:29
Can't recall what the channels on 28e I used were, I remembered the motor dish was on 23e from last night so got something like the Netherlands parliament channel for that. But I definitely had 3 successful recordings and front display was showing 3 tuners in use.
What sort of setting could be wrong? Never had any problems with tuners and positioner has always worked OK. What other info would be helpful?

17-03-16, 15:37
I can't help further unless you say what channels you tested when you had three recordings at the same time.

Perhaps someone else reading this could take up the challenge of why you have issus with setting up three timer recordings.

18-03-16, 09:32
Tried several times last night to get 3 tuners working on 28e but no-go then at 21:00 I noticed that all 3 tuners were working but it only lasted for a few mins then it went back to two tuners with a recording running on the tuner for the motor dish, channel 4 (28e), and a zap on on one of the discovery channels I think, also on 28e (wasn't taking much notice it was something the old lady wanted to watch), leaving a tuner on the fixed dish vacant but it would still not let me add a recording on any channels on 28e.
Tried getting 3 recordings running again which worked and box was showing 3 tuners in use, the channels on 28e were bbc 1 and sky news + Anixe on 19e, can't recall exact name, it was the first FTA I spotted.
Also tried altering some of the settings for preferred tuners but no difference, they were all still on default settings.

18-03-16, 15:20
You say that "Tried several times last night to get 3 tuners working on 28e but no-go then at 21:00"

That would indicate either a hardware fault or a setup problem.