View Full Version : [ABM-DVB-S/S2] Removing unwanted channels from ABM

09-03-16, 21:07
Hello I am new here
I have today setup my vu+ solo2 and ran ABM.
I live abroad so cant receive BBC ITV etc
Is there a way to remove them permanently from the bouquet,I tried to delete them from the bouquet but they returned when ABM ran again.
Thanks in Advance

abu baniaz
09-03-16, 21:12
Yes, use the custom mix file. Use the delete function.

This entry will delete channel 101.

<delete target="101"></delete>

Have a look at the stick thread for further details.

09-03-16, 21:27
thanks ,so if I understand correct I add the
<delete target="101"></delete>

where bbc is channel 101 in the read me file here


I assume I can open and edit the readme.txt using notepad and FTP

Do I need to do anything to tell the ABM to use the custom mix

sorry for all the questions its all a bit new to me

09-03-16, 21:48
ok so the read me file is just that a read me document.I assume I must make an entry like this

<delete target="101"></delete>
do I then do the same again
<delete target="102"></delete>
for channel number 102 or is it <delete target="101"><"102"></delete>

can some one please tell me in simple terms what I need to do ,I have looked at the linked sticky above but am none the wiser

abu baniaz
09-03-16, 21:49
You need to create a custom mix file and place it in the custom folder within ABM folder. Provided file is named correctly, ABM will just use it.

The readme file is for reading.

Example file here

09-03-16, 22:01
thank you so it would be


Do I use the" marks before and after I assume not

also the deletes what is the correct line again using channels 101 102 103 etc as an example
<delete target="101"></delete>
<delete target="102"></delete>
<delete target="103"<>/delete>

sorry to be such a numpty this is all new to me

abu baniaz
09-03-16, 22:21
here is an attachment with three lines added. Extracted/unzipped file goes in


09-03-16, 22:39
so I can create a file like this just replacing 101,102 with the correct channel numbers labeled sat_282_sky_irl_CustomMix as I want to ABM irish channels and save it as a text doc


<inserts> </inserts>


<delete target="101"/>

<delete target="102"/>

<delete target="103"/>



abu baniaz
09-03-16, 22:51
1. Rename the file from "sat_282_sky_uk_CustomMix.xml" to "sat_282_sky_irl_CustomMix.xml"
2. Amend/add the channel numbers to what you want to delete
3. File must remain as an .xml. If you change to .txt, process will not work.

You must use a linux compatible file editor like "Notepad++" Do not use windows Notepad or wordpad

09-03-16, 23:35
only just read your message re notepad

will it work if I cut and paste from notepad to notepad++

I have opened your zip ,extracted and saved in notepad I would rather not redo it all

abu baniaz
10-03-16, 00:00
It will work provided layout is correct.

Try it, only one way to find out.

10-03-16, 09:56
well I tried it and it worked
I just want to say thank you

10-03-16, 10:00
Well done guys. Abu, do you recommend deleting bbc three and extreme sports on the cable side and add in racing UK hd?

Sent from my HTC Desire 610 using Tapatalk

abu baniaz
13-03-16, 18:39
Well done guys. Abu, do you recommend deleting bbc three and extreme sports on the cable side and add in racing UK hd?

Sent from my HTC Desire 610 using Tapatalk
If you remove the channel using the custom mix file, when a new channel is assigned the slot, it won't appear.

13-03-16, 19:22
Cheers mate, that's what worried me. I've kept the original back so until I hear I'm missing something I'll use my amended one ;). Thanks for confirming that...

Sent from my HTC Desire 610 using Tapatalk