View Full Version : [GiGaBlue QUAD+ PLUS] ORF Card, Channel Logos

08-03-16, 00:44
Hello Folks,
First of all, I want to thank you for the great work you do here.

Last weekend I decided to refresh my Quad+ with a new image, since the Apollo release I had running the last year has some Hickups and no further support. I picked the latest one from the 3.2 branch (037), the one that states "last one" in the boot image (once again a last one...).

The image installation went quite smoothly and it even recognized the backup I made. A few moments later I was almost where I left off. But these "almost" seems to be tougher than I thought and I did expect some surprises.

The first thing I noticed was that my default channel was dark and silent. I'm on ORF and that requires a "green card". The Apollo release did recognize my card quite fine, but the 3.2 does not like it. I assume that I have the right CAM missing, as I did not change anything physically and the "settings restore" did not get it back. Since the last time I thought of this was when I installed the Apollo release a year ago, I cannot remember whether I had to use some special trick to make it work. As far as I remember, "it just worked" as long as I did not try to start any of the SoftCAMS from the menu manually.

I'm really not in the "cardsharing business" but simply want to get my own paid card working again. Unfortunately I'm pretty overhelmed by the sheer endless possibilities do load SoftCams of a zillion flavors so I really could appreciate some hint WHAT of the many possible CAMs I would need.

Since I do have a physical CAM available, I put that one into the box with the card fitted and no other CAM software loaded. Luckily the screen went bright and I thought I was in business again. The bad news however is, that every time the box rises from asleep, the channels are dark again. So unattended recording is not possible. I manually can enter the CAM menu and do a reset, which will turn on the function again. I can pull the CAM and insert it again with the same result.

But either I can get some SoftCAM to recognize my card in the on board reader again, or I can fix the issue with the physical CAM. Either one would please my wife who is not the kind of freak to fiddle with the software internals to watch the news when I'm not around.

The second quirx is, that I cannot get the LCD on the Quad+ to show the channel logos again. I can either have it mirror the current channel, the PIP or a black screen. Once I'm in any screen, I have some useful information in the LCD. But since It is sooo handy to have the channel logos displayed I really want them back.

Anyone to share a hint on these?

Btw. the "Serienrecorder" plugin does work quite well with the 3.2 as far as I can see, once installed it manually, since it is not listed in the library.

12-03-16, 23:02
Well, seems as if I have to answer my own questions for myself.

The ORF ICE card works when placed into the lower card reader and with built-in CCAM set to autostart. Decryption seems to be stable.

Restoring the settings placed the LCD4LINUX Plugin in the wrong state. It obviously did not like the settings file. Loading the default values from the menu showed lots of things in the display again and was a good starting pont to configure it anew. I still have no PICONS in the display, but making the channel name big enough is adequate.