View Full Version : tips and tricks

frank machin
07-03-16, 13:19
Hi fellas
just got my duo2 and managed after a bit of trial and error to get it set-up and working..anyone got any good tips and tricks to get the best out of my box please.any and all bits of advice greatly appreciated


07-03-16, 14:36
Install IPTV plugin from the feeds.

frank machin
07-03-16, 15:56
Install IPTV plugin from the feeds.

Hi Willmoore
thanks for the reply..could you expand a little my friend. I am not that tech savvy yet but i am trying

07-03-16, 17:17
Hi Frank
menu>plugins>download plugins(green button) >extensions - then install IPTV player. It will give you access to latest films, tv series etc. Yiffy/cartoon HD/movie4k/moviesHD/movienight/filmotopia generally work quite well you just need to have a play.


frank machin
07-03-16, 17:56
Hi Frank
menu>plugins>download plugins(green button) >extensions - then install IPTV player. It will give you access to latest films, tv series etc. Yiffy/cartoon HD/movie4k/moviesHD/movienight/filmotopia generally work quite well you just need to have a play.


I shall do that later when I get home. Have you any other suggestions? I would not mind having it look like sky but I am not sure how that is done.

07-03-16, 18:08

Now that you have a basic working setup, it is a good idea to take a full image backup (Blue Button>Vix>Image Manager>New Backup) and save that to a USB stick. That way, if you screw things up, you will easily be able to reflash your box back to YOUR known working settings.

frank machin
07-03-16, 21:00
Iptv player downloaded and machine backed up...any other tips fellas? Plz

How do i acces the Iptv player once its downloaded? Cant see it anywhere

07-03-16, 21:10
It's in Menu>Plugins

frank machin
07-03-16, 22:16
Utility wget has not bee detected.what do you want to do? What option do i select?

07-03-16, 22:43
just keep pressing okay

frank machin
08-03-16, 00:31
Yeh i did that and its seems to be working but it appears to be mostly Polish sites.

08-03-16, 00:46
A lot are - try the ones I posted in post #4 they're all english.

frank machin
08-03-16, 13:47
How do i get the EPG screen to look like the Sky one please?


08-03-16, 18:02
Menu / Plugins / Download button / Skins / Download Blue HD

frank machin
08-03-16, 18:03
Menu / Plugins / Download button / Skins / Download Blue HD

as simple as that?

08-03-16, 18:38
as simple as that?

Not quite - menu>system>user interface>skin setup>then choose the skin you have downloaded.

Don't choose Sky :rolleyes:. Confluence or YouVix Blue are much better, especially if you add MK picons

frank machin
08-03-16, 19:51
Not quite - menu>system>user interface>skin setup>then choose the skin you have downloaded.

Don't choose Sky :rolleyes:. Confluence or YouVix Blue are much better, especially if you add MK picons

So i choose youvix blue or confluence and find mk picons to go with it

frank machin
08-03-16, 20:01
I cant see either of those under plgins skins???

08-03-16, 20:02
Download both and see which one you prefer - easy to swop between them. When done use the search facility for 'picons' there are many threads explaining how to use them.

frank machin
08-03-16, 20:02
Ok found it..open vix youvix blue

frank machin
08-03-16, 20:06
Got youvix blue but cant see confluence or the picon you mentioned

A better look and i find confluence too..

08-03-16, 20:14
Have a read here mate


frank machin
08-03-16, 21:55
I cant seem to get picons to work once download the plugin

08-03-16, 22:23
I cant seem to get picons to work once download the plugin

Menu>Setup>System>Channel selection settings>make sure Show Picons in service list is set to YES