View Full Version : [ABM-DVB-S/S2] Double Categories (Novice User)

06-03-16, 19:16
My receiver is a VU+ Duo2
Running Openvix 3.2.037

I seem to have done something to give me the following, can you help me to remove the doubles.


abu baniaz
06-03-16, 19:32
Welcome to the forum.

You probably have both Sky UK & Sky Ireland enabled. There is no need for both.
In AutoBouquetsMaker, change the configuration to expert, enable not indexed.
In ABM's provider menu, you have to select your region. Select the one with custom at end. Not HD or SD.

To avoid guesswork and assist effectively, we ask people to attach debug logs

06-03-16, 20:06
Thank You, all good now, I had the following settings:

Changed "not indexed" to yes and "generate main bouquet" to yes
Now I have a lovely tidy list:

I am attaching my log as a practice and as a check, if you could have a look ?

abu baniaz
06-03-16, 21:15
It is good. And you can take screenshots! :thumbsup:

[ABM-config] level: expert
[ABM-config] providers: sat_282_sky_uk:sdcustom_wales:37:
[ABM-config] keepbouquets:
[ABM-config] hidesections: sat_282_sky_uk:580|sat_282_sky_uk:650|sat_282_sky_ uk:780|sat_282_sky_uk:861|sat_282_sky_uk:881|sat_2 82_sky_uk:998
[ABM-config] add provider prefix: False
[ABM-config] show in extensions menu: False
[ABM-config] placement: top
[ABM-config] skip services on non-configured satellites: True
[ABM-config] show non-indexed: True
[ABM-config] schedule: False

You can setup a scheduled execution. The changes for 28.2 are normally on Tuesday and Thursday.