View Full Version : [VU+ Duo2] EPG Headache, looking for advice please.

05-03-16, 14:04
I've been communicating with doglover about a couple of channels I was having EPG problems with. On more than one occasion over a couple of days, I was getting wrong EPG data but he was getting correct data. I now have a channel where I seem to be getting EPG data from two sources, so I no longer have any idea if the problem is EPG related or something else. I have only flashed recently and this is what I did:

1) Flash with no settings restore of any kind.
2) Configure Autobouquetmaker to use the Sky UK source, use main bouquet, FTA only and I hide a few sections.
3) Configure EPG to use my USB drive as storage
4) Configure CrossEPG to use Rytec Portugal as a source for the two HotBird channels I want EPG data for (as recommended by doglover) and OpenTV Sky for 28.2E

Provider order is OpenTV Sky, followed by Rytec Portugal.

5) In DreamSet, load the latest VHannibal settings and delete the Astra 28.2E section (as I am using ABM)
6) Transfer the settings from DS to my Duo2 (Skip satellite.xml is left unchecked)
7) Run ABM to pull in the required 28.2E channels
8) Run the CrossEPG download to populate the EPG data

What this leaves me with, is on a lot of channels, I see one set of EPG data shown, which then swaps to another set of EPG data. You can see this with the image I have attached showing two sets of EPG data for BBC2.

I feel really guilty for what seems to be wasting doglover's time, when it looks like there might be another cause, but I just can't pin down the source of the problem. Can anyone see anything that I am doing blatantly wrong in my process?

Just to add one last bit of info, each time I try to correct this, I completely clear all EPG data as follows:

I remove all CrossEPG .db files using the FileBrowser plugin

then Telnet into box:
init 4
rm /media/usb/epg.dat
init 3

Then I do a fresh download through CrossEPG.

05-03-16, 15:07
Does this only happen with the current program or something in the future? I'm thinking it could be getting the long description from Open TV and the Shorter from the Now & Next.

05-03-16, 16:08
If I look forward in the EPG, I see only long descriptions, this is in the multi-EPG and the normal channel selection settings. But when I press the OK button to bring up the now & next, that's when I see the change over from one to the other.

If I reverse the provider order, I don't get this long/short description problem, but my problem is this... if the Rytec provider is having an effect on the OpenTV provider, could the OpenTV provider be affecting the Rytec data, thus giving me the errors on the two HotBird channels? OpenTV doesn't give those long descriptions, so I have to assume that they're coming from the Rytec source.

What has just occurred to me, is whether the skin I use could have any effect on this. I always use the Magic HD-Noire skin, but I hadn't considered that this could have any function other than to change the appearance and placement of the data. I wouldn't have thought it could change the EPG data... or could it?

06-03-16, 14:29
Okay, so I probably shot myself in the foot by stupidly using the words "I don't get this problem if..." but there is still a problem.

Take a look at the image attached here... notice the glaringly obvious similarity between the EPG for m>movies+1 and movies4men & movies4men+1? Is there an issue with EPG data getting corrupted, or is the way I have configured my EPG causing a problem? Is the USB a bad place to store EPG data?

06-03-16, 14:47
For a start do not use CrossEPG for Rytec importing. Use XMLTV Importer instead - its part of the image and nothing else needs to be installed - just configure it. I set up my box to receive 28E data using CrossEPG/opentv around 7am and then XMLTV Importer to download From Rytec Portugal a few minutes after that every morning without problem.

06-03-16, 14:58
I did try XMLTV importer whilst trying to sort out the HotBird channels with doglover, but I was getting wrong EPG data so I went back to CrossEPG. I'll reconfigure XMLTV for tomorrow's import, see how it goes.

Bit confusing when you've got two pieces of software that do the exact same thing, so I just stuck with CrossEPG.

06-03-16, 15:01
It may not be enough to delete epg.dat - you may also have to delete the crossepg folder too from your usb stick

06-03-16, 15:10
Yeah, that's what I usually do, just to be sure.

06-03-16, 15:28
The downloaded data and the EIT data are different a lot of the time. There is nothing you can do about it except disable the EIT data. The two sets of data serve different functions - the main epg data is updated probably once a day where the EIT data may be updated on-the-fly. Often when a program overruns or is changed at short notice the EIT data will reflect this. They are not long/short descriptions as such

06-03-16, 15:33
Switch off EIT. Delete EPG cache using the GUI (in menu -> setup -> system -> EPG). Pull the EPG again.

06-03-16, 15:47
Ah... I'd never really understood what the EIT, MHW data was exactly. Although after just reading part of the manual, one thing did stand out. "If your box gets data for the same service from different sources (e.g. EIT and Cross), there is a distinct possibility that you get multiple entries in the EPG for the same event.".

@Huevos: I'll give that a go, thanks.

And thank you too ronand. I know it's never easy dealing with people that are probably missing very easy configuration options, I appreciate the info and patient help. :o

06-03-16, 15:53
No problem mate.

06-03-16, 16:52
I was just changing the settings on my box and I have just remembered the other reason I couldn't use XMLTV... if I set it to do a scheduled download, it does it once then disables itself. :( If I re-enable it and then do a manual download, it disables itself again.

So to use it, I would have to keep enabling it every day, which I just know I would forget to do.

06-03-16, 16:57
You definitely have a problem somewhere specific to your setup.

abu baniaz
06-03-16, 17:00
Is Freesat EPG off?

06-03-16, 19:19
Here's a picture of my EPG settings... if that helps. I never change anything other than the location and the EIT settings have only been set to No based on earlier advice.

06-03-16, 19:22
You should disable the freesat epg as it will contain slightly different data. This most likely is your issue. You will need to delete epg.dat and download again afterwards

06-03-16, 20:37
Okay, will try that... I'm probably going to do a fresh flash tomorrow, so I'll add all this info to my "What to do when you flash your box" document that I am putting together.

It's really frustrating that I just can't keep all this in my head. I've got memory addresses in my head from when I was coding 6502 over thirty years ago, but these days I can forget something I read yesterday in a flash.

07-03-16, 12:27
Well, I am at a complete loss... I have just done a clean flash, deleted all EPG data and CrossEPG data before doing so. All I have set up is ABM and CrossEPG using OpenTV UK and I still get the problem of more>movies and m>movies+1 showing a different schedule (as you can see in the image).

I have loaded no skins, no channel settings, and have turned off EIT and FreeSat EPG as advised here. My motorised dish has just 28.2E configured, so that is only using ABM settings too. I have loaded the only two plugins I ever use and that's FileBrowser and ShootYourScreen, I never load anything else.

So if I get the problem from an absolute clean flash, I have no idea where I could possibly be going wrong. Does anything stand out as a potential problem from what I have said?

Edit: I should just add, these two channels are *showing* the right programmes, it's just the EPG data that is wrong.

07-03-16, 12:41
I don't know if this will help, but here's the latest log extract from my last CrossEPG run. Should it really say "Read 0 channels" ?

07/03/2016 11:21:15 SIFTeam CrossEPG Downloader 0.8.1+gitrAUTOINC+6f113e4a91 (c) 2009-2014 Sandro Cavazzoni (https://github.com/oe-alliance/e2openplugin-CrossEPG)
07/03/2016 11:21:15 This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
07/03/2016 11:21:15 Interactive: OPEN cmd received
07/03/2016 11:21:15 EPGDB opened (root=/media/usb/crossepg)
07/03/2016 11:21:15 Clearing old aliases...
07/03/2016 11:21:15 Loading 'aliases.conf'...
07/03/2016 11:21:15 Loaded 1 aliases
07/03/2016 11:21:15 Adding new aliases...
07/03/2016 11:21:15 Completed
07/03/2016 11:21:15 Interactive: OK action sent
07/03/2016 11:21:15 Interactive: DEMUXER cmd received
07/03/2016 11:21:15 Interactive: OK action sent
07/03/2016 11:21:15 Interactive: FRONTEND cmd received
07/03/2016 11:21:15 Interactive: OK action sent
07/03/2016 11:21:20 Interactive: DOWNLOAD cmd received
07/03/2016 11:21:20 Started OpenTV events download
07/03/2016 11:21:20 Reading dictionary '/usr/crossepg/providers/skyuk_astra2_28.2.dict' ...
07/03/2016 11:21:20 Completed. Read 512 values
07/03/2016 11:21:20 Reading channels...
07/03/2016 11:21:25 Read 0 channels
07/03/2016 11:21:25 Reading titles...
07/03/2016 11:21:32 Read 4.07 MB
07/03/2016 11:21:32 Parsing titles...
07/03/2016 11:21:32 Titles parsed
07/03/2016 11:21:32 Reading summaries...
07/03/2016 11:21:43 Read 15.21 MB
07/03/2016 11:21:43 Parsing summaries...
07/03/2016 11:21:44 Summaries parsed
07/03/2016 11:21:44 Ended OpenTV events download
07/03/2016 11:21:44 Interactive: SAVE cmd received
07/03/2016 11:21:47 Interactive: CLOSE cmd received
07/03/2016 11:21:47 EPGDB closed
07/03/2016 11:21:47 Interactive: OK action sent
07/03/2016 11:21:47 Interactive: QUIT cmd received

07-03-16, 14:20
Just one more update, I've just gone back to build 032 on a clean flash, run ABM and CrossEPG, nothing else loaded, same problem.

I'm at a loss... I've tried moving the EPG data to the HDD, just in case there was a usb issue, but no change. :(

07-03-16, 14:51
Sorry for the extra post, but I couldn't edit my previous post.

Things are now a bit clearer. I have just been round to someone else's house, where they're using a different receiver, with a completely different setup, running a different version of ViX, and they have the same problem with m>movies+1. So at least I know this is not something unique to my setup.