View Full Version : Wi-fi dongle or homeplug?

05-03-16, 13:03
Thinking of getting the gigablue wi-fi dongle.
Which one will give me better performance a homeplug 500mb or the gigablue wi-fi dongle 300mb?

22-03-16, 21:34
Should be homeplug

22-03-16, 21:38
Homeplugs all the way - wifi dongles are a pain in the arse on a lot of these boxes as the driver is only included with very specific versions of the build for certain brands.

What this means is if you use wifi then whenever you do a fresh install when you can't do an OTA upgrade you have to faff about getting the box hooked up to an ethernet cable to download the needed wifi driver before you can do anything.

22-03-16, 21:40
Depends on wiring and WiFi signal as to which is better .... But wired is best and worth the effort:)

03-05-16, 16:00
depends if your box has built-in wifi like the Edison os-mini rather than a dongle. I had my Edison networked via Ethernet but tried wifi without any problems. It must be said I'm only using wifi for decrypting purposes so not reliant on streaming etc.