View Full Version : [ABM-DVB-S/S2] Vu+ Solo2 vs Zero - Identical settings, same LNB, different boquets generated?

04-03-16, 20:04
Hi all,

I've just taken delivery of my Vu+ Zero and started to set it up with exactly the same settings as my Solo2, running the same OpenViX build and via the same LNB.

I've cleared all bouquets, ensured providers, provider order & exclusions are identical and for some reason, ABM is providing me with very different bouquets on each box:



Can anyone advise as to why this is?


abu baniaz
04-03-16, 20:11
The settings are not the same. On one, generate main bouquet = yes. On the other generate, main bouquet = yes FTA HD.

I had the default changed from yes to yes fta hd because people keep complaining that channel numbers are not correct.

04-03-16, 20:50
The settings are not the same. On one, generate main bouquet = yes. On the other generate, main bouquet = yes FTA HD.

I had the default changed from yes to yes fta hd because people keep complaining that channel numbers are not correct.

Hi abu baniaz,

Thanks for the very quick response.

I apologies, I didn't notice there was an "expert" setting in ABM, only "simple" which I was following and the settings were identical in the "simple" mode. When switching to "expert" mode, the following settings were different:

"Sky UK: generate main bouquet" set to "yes (only FTA HD)"
"Sky UK: generate FTA HD bouquet" set to "no"

Switching these both to "yes" has solved my problem.

One other question is that my ITV channel is set to ITV Granada HD when I'm in the Tyne region... I'm assuming this is because there isn't an ITV Tyne Tees HD channel and I have "Swap HD channels" set to "yes"?

abu baniaz
05-03-16, 01:18
Have a look here. http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?48155-ITV-HD-channel-scanned-by-ABM-doesn-t-match-local-region

There are test version of ITV HD chanensl for Tyne Tees, Anglia and Yorkshire. Should make their way into the lineup at some stage.

05-03-16, 06:49
Hurray, as soon as them wippet racers and ferret fanciers stop knowing what is going on over here the better lol.