View Full Version : change a .asd file back to word document .. ??

Mr. Mister
03-03-16, 23:54
Hi guys..
Im really hopeing that someone can help me..

My sister in law is doing a nursing degree.. and she was in the middle of typing up an assignment on her home pc.. using microsoft office 2007..
Basically to cut a long story short.. The pc crashed.. and now her assignment is in some weird format called .asd and nothing i try will open it..
Please can anyone help me retirve this.. as.. if she cant.. it 2 weeks work down the pan.. and the assignment is supposed to be handed in this Monday..

Any help.. greatly appreicated..

I will email anyone the file if they fancy having a go at getting it back to the correct word format..

Thanks in advance for any help given..


04-03-16, 00:15
http://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=3&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwiH9Kb30aXLAhXCtRQKHWLtARwQFgghMAI&url=https%3A%2F%2Fsupport.microsoft.com%2Fen-gb%2Fkb%2F316951&usg=AFQjCNHvJ1d-pSuEIysrvRekPsyvQUAE8g I suppose you have already tried this m8 just in case it's worth a try

04-03-16, 00:33
I believe OpenOffice can open .asd files try that m8 .

Mr. Mister
04-03-16, 01:40
Bazzer.. Your a genius..
You just made my sister in law the happiest person on this earth tonight.. lol
Points added to your rep..
cheers bud..

04-03-16, 02:07
I believe OpenOffice can open .asd files try that m8 .Microsoft Office is supposed to be able to open these (it stands for AutoSaved Documents).

04-03-16, 08:58
Microsoft Office is supposed to be able to open these (it stands for AutoSaved Documents).

I believe some files using Microsoft Office will still not open them but OpenOffice is handy to have for that purpose and it's FREE :thumbsup: