View Full Version : Looking for a cheap (<£100) e2 box to replace Skybox F5

01-03-16, 19:48
Hi all,

I've got a Skybox F5 in the bedroom which I'm looking to replace with an e2-compatible box (specifically OpenViX). I've been looking at the Edision OS MINI, Miraclebox Premium Micro and Mutant HD1200 and they all look almost identical spec wise. I was wondering if any of you had experience with these receiver or could recommend an alternative for under £100?

Many thanks,


john doe
01-03-16, 19:58
if it for zapping only look at the Vu Zero. excellent little box

01-03-16, 21:00
For zapping, go for the Edison, every bit as good as the Zero (I have both) but cheaper and has on board wifi - also it has a very good remote.