View Full Version : [Mut@nt HD2400] Feature request

01-03-16, 12:05
I'm not sure if there is a proper place to post a feature request - I did try tweeting VIX team too.

I'd like the option to have the power button only light up red when an actual recording is taking place. At the moment it lights red when there is a recording or when it is timeshifting. I'd rather it stayed blue when timeshifting.

I can't find any option in the menus that will enable me to do this, so would like to add it as a feature request please :-)

I realise it is hardly an important feature, but it plays havoc with my OCD!!

01-03-16, 14:14
Sounds like a driver issue?

01-03-16, 14:47
Sounds like a driver issue?In the way the the recording roundel on my MBtwin spins all of the time whether there is a recording or not? But there is no interest in it being fixed in OpenVix as it is, apparently, a "driver issue" despite it being simple to fix (so I do) - by actually getting enigma2 to do something when recordings stop and start (which is something only enigma2 knows about). And no-one seems to be able to say what the driver should be doing anyway.

01-03-16, 15:23
there is a driver issue i believe
which can be fixed with a "workaround"

im not sure that we implement workarounds for bad drivers.

but maybe that will change it will need some discussion.

01-03-16, 17:59
there is a driver issue i believe
which can be fixed with a "workaround"

im not sure that we implement workarounds for bad drivers.Whereas I''m still not sure what it has to do with drivers (and no-one has ever managed to say what driver would be involved here, nor present any information as to what any driver is actually meant to do - so I'm not sure how any can be called "bad").
The only thing which knows when a recording starts/stops is enigma2, so enigma2 should be doing something to change the FP display - and it doesn't.