View Full Version : [VU+ Solo2] Timeshift movie not saving

captain jack
26-02-16, 10:50
When exiting timeshift, the receiver asks whether I want to save the timeshifted movie. If I say yes, the movie is shown as saved in the menu but when I go to play it, it just exits into live TV mode. Checking the movie .ts files shows that they are barely anything in size... a 1 minute timeshift was only 344Kb.

Recording works fine if I press "record" button...

Any ideas? This is a fresh image on a new receiver...

26-02-16, 11:12
Hello, try the 0.37 if it improve things.

But timeshitfting got bugs. (you could take a look on my topic to see that i have got problems too)

Did you try to enable the setting "permanent timeshift"?
It seems that it works better with this option on.
Perhaps it could solve your problems?

captain jack
26-02-16, 11:18
Hi Linus - thanks for the reply. I've just updated to 037 and I have the same issues with timeshift not saving things. I don't like having permanent timeshift on but may give it a try.

26-02-16, 11:25
I don t like too but it's to see.