View Full Version : [VU+ Solo SE] Autosleep after idle time

22-02-16, 18:45

I am looking for the option of autoturn the vu+ in sleep after time of idle. (no pressing key).

I have made a search and found two answer, but all are deprecated with the last openvix it seems?
In some thread it's said that it's a setting pluggin that should be added, but if am not wrong, i do not found it?
In some it's said that it's no more a pluggin but in the vix part, in "power", but i do not have a power categorie.

So where could i configure that after 4h or 6h of idle the vu+ go to sleep mode? (i want to shut down)


22-02-16, 18:51
Menu -> Timers -> Power Timers -> green button.

22-02-16, 18:55

I am looking for the option of autoturn the vu+ in sleep after time of idle. (no pressing key).Look at Power Timers.
What I have set is a repeating timer to go to Standby after 60 mins and another repeating timer to go to Deep Standby, but only if in Standby, after 30 mins.

22-02-16, 18:56
Ok thank's.

So if i make an automatic shutdown with 4h, it will not turn it off when i am looking a film (like two film of 2hour but with pressing key to change between them)?
It's only after 4h of idle not 4h of doing things, and if i use some remote key, it will start again to wait 4h?

22-02-16, 19:14
Ok thank's.

So if i make an automatic shutdown with 4h, it will not turn it off when i am looking a film (like two film of 2hour but with pressing key)?It checks whether you are watching a recording (but can't check whether you are juts watching a live broadcast, as that is its "normal" state). It also resets the timers when you press a key ( think).
(And I have a patch that checks whether anything is actively streaming from the box, but that's not standard).
And it will always prompt you before going to Standby (so you can cancel it if you are actually watching).

It's only after 4h of idle not 4h of doing things, and if I use some remote key, it will start again to wait 4h?Not quite.... The timer would run every 4 hours, and would check the current state each time.

22-02-16, 19:22
So it's not exactly the same. :/

I could workaround by make some timer to wake it up and off at some time that i know that the user will not watch, but i do not understand why a "standard" option that where there before does not exist any more. :/

But well as it does a lot of over things i will not blame it...

EDIT: after read again i do not understand.
You say:
"It also resets the timers when you press a key ( think)."

and after:
"The timer would run every 4 hours, and would check the current state each time"

So in fact does pressing a key reset the timer count down, or not?

22-02-16, 20:27
So in fact does pressing a key reset the timer count down, or not?Ah, that means I have to look at the code again....
For the auto (Deep)Standby Power Timers every time you press a key the timer start time is set to whatever the auto delay you have set is from now. So yes, it does reset the count down.

This is (a bit of) the code that runs when such a power timer starts its life:

if next_state == 1 and (self.timerType == TIMERTYPE.AUTOSTANDBY or self.timerType == TIMERTYPE.AUTODEEPSTANDBY):
eActionMap.getInstance().bindAction('', -0x7FFFFFFF, self.keyPressed)
def keyPressed(self, key, tag):
self.begin = time() + int(self.autosleepdelay)*60
You set the timer delays in minutes, but the computer clock count in seconds, hence the factor of 60.

22-02-16, 20:32

Thank's a lot!

I was going to say that it works, i have made a test.
To confirm it:
19h53 ==> Start the automatic shutdown counter with 20 minutes
20h08 ==> i change the channel
20h13 ==> nothing happen (so ok the key press start again the timer)
20h28 ==> the message for turn it off appear

So i confirm that it works. :)

Perhaps it should be wrote somewhere in order not to disturb you for such poor question. :)
(the documentation need to be updated i think).

So it's solved.