View Full Version : [ABM-DVB-S/S2] Cannot read data error - seems random.

20-02-16, 14:04
If I have just 28.2 added as a provider, then most times, ABM runs and completes successfully. Sometimes it gives an unable to read data error though.

However, I want to enable all available providers, then I can never get it to complete, as I get unable to read data on at least one of the providers, and ABM doesn't skip that provider, it just stops, so it never writes any of the bouquets.

I enabled logs, and ran ABM with most of the providers enabled.

On first run, I got a unable to read data on 28.2 which was the first provider it tried.

I ran it a second time, and this time it got to Canal Digitaal before it gave the unable to read data error. It never appears to be the same provider, it varies each time.

I have 3 x DVB-S2 tuners, A & B are fixed 28.2deg. Tuner C is a motorised dish.

Would love to get this working properly!

Log attached.

abu baniaz
20-02-16, 14:18
This is where it got the issue

< 291.711579> [eDVBFrontend] set sequence pos 3
< 291.711610> [eDVBChannel] OURSTATE: ok
< 291.711718> [eDVBFrontend] update current rotorparams 81 e186 192
< 291.711830> [eDVBFrontend] set sequence pos 4
< 291.711908> [eDVBFrontend] update current switch params
< 291.711983> [eDVBFrontend] sleep 500ms
[Manager] Reading sat_192_canaldigitaal_hd...
[DvbScanner] Adapter 0
[DvbScanner] Demuxer 0
[DvbScanner] Frontend 2
[DvbScanner] DVBType dvbs
[DvbScanner] NIT pid: 0x385
[DvbScanner] NIT current table id: 0xbc
[DvbScanner] NIT other table id: 0x0
[DvbScanner] Ignore visible service flag: 0
[DvbScanner] Fastscan pid: 0x385
[DvbScanner] Fastscan table id: 0xbd
[DvbScanner] Reading transponders...
[DvbScanner] demuxer_device /dev/dvb/adapter0/demux0
[DvbScanner] nit_pid 901
[DvbScanner] nit_current_table_id 188
[DvbScanner] mask 255
[DvbScanner] frontend 2
< 295.762924> [gRC] main thread is non-idle! display spinner!
[DvbScanner] Timed out reading NIT
[DvbScanner] Added/Updated 62 transponders with network_id = 0x6a and network_id = 0x-1
[DvbScanner] Reading services (fastscan)...
[DvbScanner] Timed out reading fastscan
[DvbScanner] Read 0 services
[DvbScanner] 0 valid services
[Manager] Done

20-02-16, 14:21
I'm not sure why though? If I run it again, then it will give the same error but on a different provider.

It wouldn't be so bad if when it hit the error it just either stopped and wrote the bouquets it had so far, or skipped on to the next provider.

As it is, I cannot ever get it to complete for some reason.

abu baniaz
20-02-16, 17:00
What receiver? How well is your dish aligned?

20-02-16, 17:08
It's a Mutant HD2400 - bought new within the last week.

I have 2 dishes. The motorised dish had a new cable run from it on Friday, and it was tested by the satellite guy so it's ok.

I get the read error on both dishes, but as I say it is random - sometimes I can have just Sky UK provider and it will still give the error.

I even just tried a clean flash on the box and set everything up from scratch. Error persists.

I've decided to just stick with ABM for 28.2 and use a channel list for the rest.

Only problem with that, is that for some reason when ABM runs, it hides all my empty bouquets which are used for satellite separators. Any way to stop that happening so that I can leave ABM to update automatically?


abu baniaz
20-02-16, 17:35
ABM does not switch between dishes once it has started and the active one can access all the providers the as far as I can remember. It also depends on what your tuners are doing.

Disable your motorised dish for now. Set ABM to scan just 28.2. Do you have any issues on 28.2?

20-02-16, 17:53
It's definitely switching between dishes.

I disabled the motorised dish. I had just 28.2 as provider, and it scanned successfully every single time.

Renabled the motorised dish, has 28.2 and 19.2 as providers.

Ran the scan again - it scanned 28.2 successfully and then moved the dish and scanned 19.2 successfully.

So I dunno!

20-02-16, 17:57
To be honest, I quite like it just doing 28.2 and using channel lists for the rest, as it is easier when I can see the channels by satellite.

Only problem as mentioned above is that it is hiding my empty bouquets used as separators, so I have to use a channel editor to unhide them - I'd have to do that every time ABM runs though.

20-02-16, 18:10
I'm beginning to think there may be an issue with the motorised dish after all..

The motorised dish is much bigger, and so should be getting a better signal, but as you can see it's not the case.

Tuner A is fixed mini dish, Tuner C is 1 metre motorised.


abu baniaz
20-02-16, 18:13
So two things to conclude are:
1. Your ABM issue arises when your dish in motion.
2. ABM is interfering with non-ABM place holders.

Can you upload your non-ABM bouquets please?

20-02-16, 18:31
It would be nice if there was a way to run ABM on one provider at a time, and not delete bouquets already created by ABM. At the moment, it has to be run in one big run (all the providers that you require) and that is where my problems seem to arise.

I've attached my channel list - this is after ABM has been run for 28.2 - and the strange thing is, it has hidden all the satellite separators, except for the first one (13deg east)

It has also hidden some other channel folders (such as Sky Deutschland)


abu baniaz
20-02-16, 18:54
Can you attach the bouquets prior to running ABM please. If they have been already affected, not very useful for investigating the possible issue. I am guessing you have them saved on PC.

20-02-16, 18:56
This is the one that I loaded up. I then deleted 28.2 and some radio bouquets, and then ran ABM for 28.2 over the top.

abu baniaz
20-02-16, 19:00
Catseye's list have always had an issue with ABM, AB 28.2 and Remote Stream Channel Converter. He uses something different. Issue has never been looked into because they pass the DBedit validity tests.

20-02-16, 19:10

Well I pulled the list off the receiver, and unhid all the bouquets that were hidden. Uploaded back to box, and reran ABM and it hid them all again.

I guess I am gonna have to work out what the issue is with ABM and my motorised dish. I'll have to get the aerial guy back out to check it I suppose!

Cheers for the help!

20-02-16, 19:39
It's a shame there isn't an option to do a retry on the current provider when it fails, instead of the whole scan quitting out. Is that a feature which is possible to add maybe?

I've managed to get quite a few scanned in, by doing one provider, scanning, then adding another and scanning again - very slow process though!

The channel setup is perfect for me if only I could get a full scan with all the providers enabled!

21-02-16, 11:01
Played around with this all night, and it is completely random which provider it will give a read error on. Last one was 19.2 (which happens to be a really strong signal).

I don't think it is related to the dish - I have no issues with picture break up or anything like that and given that the guy said it was pretty much spot on I'm reluctant to pay for him to come out again when it may not improve things.

If there were the option to retry after a read error, I'm pretty sure I could eventually get them all scanned in successfully but as it is I can't get it to scan any more providers in without an error.

21-02-16, 11:08
Really does sound like your dish is slightly out, moving in the wind?

21-02-16, 11:13
Always possible I suppose, but it had a new cable run from it on Friday, and the guy had his (big professional) meter on it and said it was fine.

There is very little wind today, and I still get read errors. If I tune to the satellite provider and watch TV then the picture is absolutely perfect and stunning quality.

I've just checked it using the positioner menu - tweaking it east or west does not improve signal, so it's spot on there. Obviously no easy way to check elevation though.

23-02-16, 18:30
Well, just had satellite guy out and had the dish checked and it's fine. Also got him to replace the LNB and I had an Inverto Black Ultra fitted.

ABM still fails to complete with multiple providers selected, so I give up!

Short of having the ability added to retry a provider when it gives a read error, I'll just have to use it for 28.2 and use a channel list for the rest.

27-02-16, 15:38
Hi Psykix I had exactly the same issue so tried deleting all bouquets and reloading. That didn't work so changed the USB, I store my EPG.dat there, and now working ok. Try a different USB. Frankblueking

27-02-16, 15:54
Hmm.. Thanks for the reply.

I don't use any USB devices, I have a HDD fitted internally.

Also, ABM is not related to the EPG so not sure why that would have had an effect?

I've pretty much given up trying to get ABM working with multiple providers - it works with a handful selected, but eventually it will have enough enabled providers that it will fail to complete the scan - usually whilst scanning different providers.

Only alternative left is to replace the USALS motor itself - it's the only other thing it could be, since the dish is in excellent condition.


27-02-16, 18:47
the guy had his (big professional) meter on it and said it was fine.If the motorised 1m dish produces less signal than a Sky mini-dish how can it be set up fine.

27-02-16, 19:05
Well I am not sure if he realigned the dish or not, but this is the 3 tuners now ( A & B are fixed mini dish, C is 1mtr Motorised)


27-02-16, 19:28
Your screenshots are not relevant to the scan. Post a grab of the transponder the scan is failing on.

27-02-16, 19:35
Well as mentioned previously, it fails on different providers - including 28.2.

I don't know which transponders carry the EIT data (or whatever ABM is reading).

If I add a bunch of providers, then it can fail on 28.2 and it uses the fixed dish for that. If I disable tuner A&B and scan again, then it can still fail on 28.2. More often than not though, it will fail on a different provider and not always the same one.

However, if I only have 1 provider (28.2) enabled then it always completes ok - it doesn't make any sense!

It could of course be a receiver related issue.

28-02-16, 00:19
it can fail on 28.2 and it uses the fixed dish for that.No. It would use tuner C.

28-02-16, 00:32
No. It would use tuner C.

Sorry, but you are incorrect. I was watching a channel on tuner C, and set off a scan on ABM. The first provider that it scanned (successfully) was 28.2 which was the fixed dish. Only when it went to scan the 2nd provider did the channel change.

28-02-16, 04:48
Sorry, but you are incorrect. I was watching a channel on tuner C, and set off a scan on ABM. The first provider that it scanned (successfully) was 28.2 which was the fixed dish. Only when it went to scan the 2nd provider did the channel change.

Seriously, if you're getting unable to read data errors randomly on different providers that previously worked & work again on new scans, it's a cable or dish issue.

28-02-16, 09:23
It's had a new cable run fitted, then I changed the LNB for an Inverto Black Ultra, and I've just ordered a new USALS motor - if that doesn't fix the problem, then it has to be a receiver issue!

28-02-16, 10:59
You are missing the point. The scans that fail are on your motorised dish. In this case you had the motorised dish tied up so the minidish was used and the scan succeeded.

BTW, having an IBU or a visit from a man with a "big meter" is no guarantee of anything.

28-02-16, 11:04
I'm not 100% convinced that is the case.

If I add 2 or 3 providers, then it nearly always completes successfully.

If I add quite a few, and am watching tuner C (motor) then it will use the fixed dish to scan 28.2 and it can still fail on that.

That's why I am not convinced that it is both dishes.

Anyway, I'll get the motor changed (the one that is up there is an original STAB and it's over 10 years old).

Will see how I get on - and yes, a big meter is no guarantee, but it is better than my sat bleeper!!

28-02-16, 11:49
I've done some more testing, and there seems to be interference on tuner C when one of the other tuners is used.

When more than one tuner is used, then tuner C suffers picture breakup. I tested by watching a channel on tuner C, when ABM scans using one of the fixed dish tuners, then the picture I am watching breaks up as though there is interference.

I tried setting off 2 recordings on tuner A and tuner B whilst watching tuner C and whilst not as bad as when ABM is scanning using tuner A or B, there is picture break up.

I wonder if there is an issue with the tuner module (C) - I guess I could try swapping them around if they are all removable?

28-02-16, 13:03
If you have glitches when a tune occurs whilst watching a channel this is usually a short or the first signs of a faulty lnb... Just because you are using 2 lnbs doesn't mean one can't affect the other, remember the receiver is the common ground point, after reading this thread I would say either your new cable has a small short or the lnb on motorised is faulty or not set correctly.
Just my opinion from my own experiences.

28-02-16, 13:10
I've switched tuner c for tuner b and I no longer get glitches on tuner c whilst ABM is scanning on the fixed tuners..

I also made sure that they were all seated properly.

So I dunno!

abu baniaz
28-02-16, 13:17
Did the cables stay constant? I.e the one connected to old tuner c is connected to new tuner c?

28-02-16, 13:20
Did the cables stay constant? I.e the one connected to old tuner c is connected to new tuner c?

Yep. I left them as they were.

ABM still doesn't complete however - I'll revisit this thread once I have the motor replaced. Given that the LNB feeds through the motor, it's worth replacing it and seeing how I get on.

Does seem strange though, I can pick any combination of 2 or 3 providers and it scans successfully. It's only when I select more than a handful that it fails.

At least I can't get the channel breakup to reoccur now, so not sure what the issue was there - also watching what was tuner c (now tuner B) is fine too when ABM runs.

03-03-16, 15:16
Well.. I am at a loss now.

I have had the motor replaced, the cable from the LNB to the motor and the cable from the motor to the receiver. I've also had a new LNB fitted.

ABM still won't complete a scan with multiple providers selected.

Is my receiver at fault maybe? Or a problem with ABM? Can anyone else confirm that they can select more than say 6 providers and get a successful scan to complete?

03-03-16, 16:11
Just scanned 7 providers with ABM.
Tuner A dvb-S2 with motor, 6 providers several sats.
Tuner B dvb-C 1 provider.
As expected successfully.

Did you try to scan your providers one by one, to see which one is failing?

03-03-16, 16:18
Well to be honest, when it failed this time, it failed on the first provider which was 28.2 (I had the fixed dish tuners (A&B) disabled)

I wonder if it matters that my motorised is on Tuner C? I could always move it to tuner A I suppose.

Something is obviously not right if others have it working correctly.

03-03-16, 19:20
One thing I have noticed with this receiver, is that when I tune to a channel, it takes a good few seconds for SNR to reach its max. Something like 8 seconds or so. I don't know if that is normal behaviour, and don't know if that may be having an impact on ABM scans?

08-03-16, 13:41
Well I still can't get ABM to work properly. Before I look to get the receiver replaced, can anyone else with a Mutant HD2400 and motorised dish confirm that it works ok on their receiver? No point getting it replaced if ABM has an issue with this particular receiver.

Everything else is working fine - signal strength, picture quality, all spot on. So I have no idea why ABM gives the cannot read data error when I select all the providers.

I've had the mini dish aligned, and the LNB outputs all checked. I have had the motor on the 1.2m Gibertini dish replaced, I have had a new Inverto Black Ultra LNB fitted, and have had the cable run to the receiver replaced and the cable from the LNB to the motor replaced. I've spent all that money and still ABM doesn't work properly!!

I can run it a few times and attach logs if it helps.