View Full Version : Web interface requirements needed

30-12-10, 11:18
Does anyone know the exact requirements a browser needs to have to use the web interface ? And in particular the streaming requirements ?

30-12-10, 14:26
Hi mate

I use Mozilla fox for this and VLC media player both free to download when u google it then all you need to do is type in the browser your box IP 192.xxx.xxx.xxx and your get the web interface screen with your channel/satellite list.
I think in the sticky theres a posting with regards to any tweeks to vlc if you need them but it should run from scratch


30-12-10, 15:08
Thanks for taking the time to reply mate but i am aware of all that, I run it in my Opera browser using VLC without any problems, what I need to know what the exact requirements are for the browser software such as Flash/Java versions and anything else relevant to running it successfully. Reason being I'm looking into porting it to other mobile device(s) but cant seem to find the minimum requirements anywhere

30-12-10, 15:44
Thats interesting, I cant help you in what the minimum requirements are, but out of interest what device are you tring to port to. Dont quote me as I am just guessing but I think you need VLC on the device and VLC player is not available for any mobile device. Dont get me wrong expect a beta version of VLC player on Android in the new year. I think the VLC plugin is the key.

30-12-10, 19:56
Maxwell how you get it to work in opera. I am running 11.0 but vlc is not working. I have vlc player installed.

30-12-10, 20:16
Maxwell how you get it to work in opera. I am running 11.0 but vlc is not working. I have vlc player installed.
Could be your version of VLC Im using Opera 11 and VLC 1.1.4 also check your codecs are upto date I didnt have to do anything special it just worked straight away

30-12-10, 20:17
I have 1.1.15, will try and see if I can downgrade.

30-12-10, 20:22
If I remember rightly there were issues with later versions

30-12-10, 20:26
I have 0.9.9 and just installed that and VLC website only has 1.1.15

30-12-10, 20:52
Gimme half an hour and I will see if I can find the 1.1.4 installation file on my HDD, I know its there somewhere:rolleyes:

30-12-10, 21:03
That was easier than expected

30-12-10, 21:34
Cheers buddy webX TV now working like a charm.