View Full Version : [ET10x00] Should I upgrade?

George Kildare
16-02-16, 11:12
I am present running OpenVix Version 3.2.024. I have customised this to my liking. The customisation includes very many settings on my remote and a large number of special bouquets and channels.

I am wondering whether to upgrade to the latest image 3.2.036 and have a few questions.

1. Why is a reflash necessary/ advised to implement this upgrade? Why can't it be implemented without a reflash via the setup menu, as with previous updates?

2. Is there a possibility that after the reflash upgrade some of my existing settings, channels or bouquets cannot be restored easily? The customisation was very time consuming and I don't want to run any risk of having to repeat it.

3. What are the main practical improvements of 036 compared with 024?

Very many thanks.

16-02-16, 11:26
So a) do a settings backup and also an image backup of current 3.2.024 image (so that you can go back if ......) ... preferably to a usb stick :)

1) There are many things other than the OpenVix code that get changed between releases (Gstreamer, python etc etc) which are part of the OE-A environment shared between Vix and other image groups like OpenATV. This may also effect the plugins, so overall its better to reflash and restore settings.
2) Settings should restore without problems including bouquets/channels, I do it all the time ..... I also use the same bouquets/channel settings all the time between 4 receivers often at different image versions.
Even if you have a preferred skin, once you have re-installed the skin and rebooted enigma, it will reinstate your chosen skin from the settings.
3) You would have to look at the descriptions with the image (see OpenViX image updates and changelogs) but will incude Vix changes and OE-A "infrastructure" changes

Lastly providing you do step a) you can always go back :)

16-02-16, 11:33
A reflash is necessary as GST 1.7.1 was added. If you are happy with your current setup and do not wish to update then you don't have to. But in doing so, you will miss out on any new drivers, tweaks etc.

Its easy peasy to update, just do an image backup using blue button, ViX, Backup Manager and green button to save an up-to-date settings and plugins backup. Then exit out one, Image Manager, Yellow button to download, select the latest image, I.e. 3.2-036, green button to download, after a few, red button to close, you will now see the image you have just downloaded. Highlight it, blue button to restore, say yes and hey presto. Simples Simples Simples.

When Image has been flashed, select HDMI, Multi, English and you will then be asked if you want to restore your settings, say YES, select the backup you created earlier (top of the list) and then it will ask you if you want to restore plugins, say YES and thats it!! 5 mins max and you are on the latest image with everything how it was.

No need to be frickled, just try it!!

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16-02-16, 11:33
@twol beat me to it. [emoji4]

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16-02-16, 11:36
@twol beat me to it. [emoji4]

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..... that must be a first :)

16-02-16, 11:40
Hee Hee. [emoji4]

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16-02-16, 12:12
Just to complicate things slightly, if you're using wireless rather than a wired ethernet connection, it might be easier to set up a wired connection before you start.
It all depends on whether the wireless drivers are already installed in the new image, or need to be downloaded via plugins.
Ask if you're not sure.

16-02-16, 12:39
for a regular user like myself there are no enhancements/improvements.
so, if your are like me, you could as well stay on 024.

George Kildare
16-02-16, 15:09
Very many thanks everyone for all the info.

I understand from Andy's comment that the main enhancement is GST1.7.1 an updated streaming environment. However, I note that on the GSStreamer site http://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/releases/gst-plugins-base/1.7.1.html states that "The unstable 1.7 release series will lead to the stable 1.8 release series in the next weeks. Any newly added API can still change until that point."

I therefore think that I'll wait for a few weeks to do a reflash upgrade.

16-02-16, 16:46
Yep, they stated that ..... a few weeks ago! Also the assumption that the OE-A will immediately change to 1.8 is probably a bit optimistic.
However, like everything if you are happy with your current image then stay there until you have a need to change.:)

abu baniaz
16-02-16, 17:04
Stay on 3.2 024 for now.

16-02-16, 17:25
Hi Andy,

Would the above method apply to those of us still using Apollo/Hades (have two VU+Solo) each running different operating software?

16-02-16, 17:31
I would recommend doing a fresh flash with no settings or plug in restore, especially from an older image set.
Of course bouquet back up and restore via E-channeliser or similar should be fine.

abu baniaz
16-02-16, 17:33
Unless you have a problem with current image, wait for the new branch.

16-02-16, 17:45
DaMcFunin/abu baniaz, many thanks for your feedback


16-02-16, 18:21
If you're happy with the image you're currently running and it does everything you need it to, why bother updating?

16-02-16, 18:37
electrocop, also a good answer .......

16-02-16, 18:48
Just because you're happy with your car, and it does everything you need, doesn't mean you don't need to get it serviced.

16-02-16, 19:41
Just because you're happy with your car, and it does everything you need, doesn't mean you don't need to get it serviced.

... but if it does what you want, and you are risk averse then its wise to move forward slowly. I like "playing" with the new versions, I run my own builds, and I have a couple of receivers where you can just switch images with a reboot, so its not a big deal for me.:)
If I had just one receiver, I might think twice:)

16-02-16, 20:32
.... I don't disagree, I like "playing" with new versions as well, but it's much easier to take an image backup, do a flash update, and revert back if you need to, than to suffer a problem at the worst possible time (which may never happen of course), and then try to fix it.

16-02-16, 21:55
Just because you're happy with your car, and it does everything you need, doesn't mean you don't need to get it serviced.

But a satellite receiver image doesn't wear out like a car, therefore doesn't need servicing as such. The way i see it is that updating without good cause is a waste of time and can cause new issues due to changed drivers etc. Just leave it be, continue watching TV and get on with your life! If your box crashes or has problems, by all means re-flash it.

16-02-16, 22:26
But a satellite receiver image doesn't wear out like a car, therefore doesn't need servicing as such. The way i see it is that updating without good cause is a waste of time and can cause new issues due to changed drivers etc. Just leave it be, continue watching TV and get on with your life! If your box crashes or has problems, by all means re-flash it.

An online update literally takes just a few minutes via Menu, Setup and Software Updates.

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