View Full Version : Venton box question (re sponsors)

15-02-16, 20:13
I notice the sponsors link shows "category not found" when clicked in the Venton section.


If they do not sell them any more, it kind of makes me think about buying one.

One of our trade suppliers (the people who do the online channel lists) have said they are a good box,
so I wanted to play with one as I am keen to get up to speed with Vix4.

Anyone know more info please


abu baniaz
15-02-16, 21:18
You will need to go to to the Vix4 forum for their image.

This is is the openvix forum. Feel free to ask about OpenVix issues.

16-02-16, 08:26
Venton ECO+ was end of lined months ago. Multikom in Germany no longer stock or have them manufactured. These are not new models as they are being advertised, its old stock being sold off.

Finally 'vix4' is purely a rip off of OpenViX using the ViX name and has no extra features nor do they actually provide and new development. Everything is vix4 has been ripped off from OpenViX.

Support from OpenViX will most likely cease in 3.2.036. Also be aware that 'vix4' will most likely cease once it no longer suits them to sell or when they run out of stock, they've done with with other images.