View Full Version : [ViX_Misc] C More Golf started on Thor 7: 12476 H

12-02-16, 15:10

Trying to add Cmore Golf to my channel list.
Tried all the types of scanning for services without success. A friend has the same problem on a VU+.
I´m currently running on a X-trend ET-9200.

We both have the satelite\transponder showing up but there are no channels to be found in that range..

Any ideás?

12-02-16, 15:38
You might need a larger dish.

A full satellite scan of 1°w with a current ViX image will pick up this channel.

12-02-16, 16:35
As a guide, it's working fine here in the Midlands with a 90cm dish showing 81% signal strength and using OpenPli 4 image

13-02-16, 09:53
Update. The channels show up and work on a cheap Amiko receiver without a problem on the same dish.. So it´s not a signal problem.

Timofee, how do I set it to scan for 1W?
I´m now scanning at 0.8w Ku-band Thor 5/6/7 & Interlat 10-02 with blind scan.. That should pickup the channel\s right?

Thanks for the replies so far.

13-02-16, 10:47
That will definitely find the channels.

13-02-16, 10:58
C more golf HD working here in the midlands using a 80 dish

13-02-16, 15:52
You don't need to blind scan.

It is easier and quicker to do a full satellite scan uder the Manual scan tab.

13-02-16, 23:47
Thx timofee!

Worked fine when I ran a manual scan on the 12476 transponder!
Found 5 new channels there as expected.
