View Full Version : Newbie First Time Box Onwer

05-02-16, 23:14
Hey Gang, wow the brain is hurting from information overload.

Pulled trigger got myself an Edision OS mini its come with Enigma 2 Open Pli image on it.

Got it out set it up on network etc and I'm getting all the freesat channels etc.

So now the queries, I tried to flash it for OpenVix. followed all the steps about formatting and USB size etc.
and while booting the option to hold the ok button on the remote comes on screen but nothing happens and it boots
away in OpenPli so dont know what I've done wrong.
I see there is some warning about image backup and restore before using the newest openvix image im guessing
this might be the problem but dont fully understand what it means??

I guess I may need to do this before attempting the flash change?

Also I've downloaded and attempted to use filezilla, but while its finding it on my home network it wont connect,
im using Root as username and password blank but not sure what port no.

Wasnt expecting it to be this difficult

thanks in advance for any help you guys can offer


05-02-16, 23:30
followed all the steps about formatting and USB size etc.
and while booting the option to hold the ok button on the remote comes on screen but nothing happens and it boots
away in OpenPli so dont know what I've done wrong.I don't have this box, but I suspect the ok button you need to press is on the box, and not the remote. That's certainly how it works for the boxes I have.

Also I've downloaded and attempted to use filezilla, but while its finding it on my home network it wont connect,
im using Root as username and password blank but not sure what port no.Should be standard ftp port no. 21. Try root without any capitalisation

05-02-16, 23:37
thanks, no its definately the remote you need to use only one button on this one its power key / standby

05-02-16, 23:43
thanks port 21 got me in so thats one problem sorted

05-02-16, 23:45
Ok, then you either have a problem with your USB stick, or you don't have the firmware copied over to your USB stick correctly. Have you tried a different USB stick? Have you extracted the files from the zip before copying over to the USB stick? I presume you've used the flashing guide from here:


05-02-16, 23:50
yea only have one 8gb drive the others are all larger, might still try one, tried both the front and back usb port and all. Yep all files extracted and only copy over the osmini folder not the whole extract

05-02-16, 23:53
just double checked my usb drive its a 16gb one thought it was 8 ill root around see if ive something smaller might be problem

05-02-16, 23:55
I know the guide recommends USB drives no bigger than 8gb, but I've certainly had no issues using larger drives. Just make sure they're formatted FAT32 - preferably using the HP formatting tool.

Edit: Also, make sure you're properly ejecting the USB drive from your computer after copying the files across and before pulling the stick from the USB port. I've seen others have issues by just pulling the USB stick without ejecting. I think this might have been on a Mac.

05-02-16, 23:58
found an 8gb ran the HP tool, will try again in morning its in bedroom and missus is gone to bed, at least im on right track, is the open pli image causing the problems with the flashing at all?

06-02-16, 00:00
no. it doesn't matter what image you have on the box if you're going for a full reflash.

06-02-16, 00:01
ta will update here if im successful, be the afternoon before i get some free time, hopefully have it running fully before saturday is out

06-02-16, 12:46
managed to get that flashed this morning, dont know how seems something to do with how the bos was rebooting on startup, just running thru channel scan now, then the fun starts again with more configuring :p

06-02-16, 15:07
So more headaches, have done scan and ABM maker and tried the Cross EPG, got my cam running etc, but I've no channel no.'s showing struggling to figure out what I've done wrong.

06-02-16, 15:27
seems to be all HD channells showing on my epg too

06-02-16, 17:27
Are you in UK or ROI?

Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk

07-02-16, 10:25
ROI, ive got the services listed better so ROI first, i'm getting there, i've no HD variants at all now, very weird, must be something I've done in ABM

07-02-16, 10:39
In ABM, use "Custom'YourRegion'" for your providers.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

john doe
07-02-16, 14:28
ROI, ive got the services listed better so ROI first, i'm getting there, i've no HD variants at all now, very weird, must be something I've done in ABM

use custom roi

08-02-16, 13:49
Thanks All, getting there slowly, steep learning curve appreciate all the advice