View Full Version : [VU+ Solo2] confused....enigma2 reporting wrong available space on HDD

05-02-16, 22:04
This evening Openvix reported that the HDD was full and that timeshift could not continue. I deleted a few recordings and then ran the permanently delete items in trashcan. About 5 mins later I restarted the box and great all looks good and I have space again.

I decided to check in putty as I have a 750G drive (i know usable is less) but don't have that much recorded. So I'm confused why shell shows these values:

Filesystem Size Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda1 698.4G 596.2G 101.2G 85% /media/hdd

root@vusolo2:/media/hdd# du -sh
341.1G .

root@vusolo2:/media/hdd# du -sh *
148.8M backup
13.3M crossepg
9.3M epg.dat
7.8M epg.dat.bak
67.3M imagebackups
256.0K lost+found
310.6G movie
363.5M photos
552.3M picon
2.1G timeshift
26.0G transmission
1.8M var

It shows I'm using 596.2G but can only account for 341.1G...Any advice would be appreciated...thanks

06-02-16, 13:55
Maybe hdd errors? Could you run filesystem check from within menu settings. You will have to ensure timeshift has been disabled first (a restart is required after turning it off).

Menu > System > Storage Devices > Filesystem check

06-02-16, 16:48
Just a guess, the difference might be the trashcan.

Have you tried deleting all the items in the trash can, then restarting the box and check again.

06-02-16, 20:21
Thanks Guys.

bbbuk your were right some corruption with the disk. Filesystem check fixed some inode errors. Just got back the missing 250G.

Happy Days. :)