View Full Version : Strange "tune failed" message

31-01-16, 20:48

There's a short story and a long version here, I'll keep it brief - I have a Vu Duo and a Vu Solo 2. I have been able to set them up without an issue so I am confident I know what I am doing. However my vu duo has developed a problem, it is in a second room and was working fine until I disconnected the inputs from the satellite dish, connected them to another box and then put them back in my box.

Now I can no longer get BBC North West or BBC4 HD - I get a tune failed error, there are several channels with a similar problem and also there are other (like BBC1 HD) which work perfectly well.

I have tried a retune, I have checked the cables are in with no luck. Has anyone got any suggestions why this might be happening or what to try?


01-02-16, 08:25
Have you rerun ABM?

01-02-16, 13:30
It may be coincidence with swapping the cables but it has been very windy recently, many people have reported loosing a few channels this last week, just a couple of mm of movement can knock some channels off depending on how well it was aligned in the first place.

01-02-16, 19:09
Have you rerun ABM?
I am not using Auto Bouquet Maker, However I have done a full rescan of channels.

01-02-16, 19:12
It may be coincidence with swapping the cables but it has been very windy recently, many people have reported loosing a few channels this last week, just a couple of mm of movement can knock some channels off depending on how well it was aligned in the first place.

Thanks - I will check out the channel signal strengths, however as this is a long shot for starters and in the longer version of my story I have had this problem before I think this is unlikely.

01-02-16, 19:43
Only reason i say is i have an octo lnb on my zone 2 dish, the first 3 connections have no problems, but from then on out to number 8, some of the 4-8 connections can get some frequency's that the others can't and vice versa, 2 of them can lock ABM, the other 3 can't or don't receive a full scan, but they can lock to transponders the other 2 can't, it is obviously an alignment issue that has arisen and i will need to sort it when the weather is better.

04-02-16, 20:29
Only reason i say is i have an octo lnb on my zone 2 dish, the first 3 connections have no problems, but from then on out to number 8, some of the 4-8 connections can get some frequency's that the others can't and vice versa, 2 of them can lock ABM, the other 3 can't or don't receive a full scan, but they can lock to transponders the other 2 can't, it is obviously an alignment issue that has arisen and i will need to sort it when the weather is better.

It started working the other day for 36 hours. However it has gone off again. SNR is 100% and AGC ~82% do you think this is symptomatic of a dodgy LNB or misaligned dish?

04-02-16, 20:32
I had a very similar problem and it turned out to be the lnb going faulty. Changed lnb and all working again.

05-02-16, 21:40
I had a very similar problem and it turned out to be the lnb going faulty. Changed lnb and all working again.

Thanks - That will be my next port of call. I'll report back to confirm if it solved it or not.

10-02-16, 20:55

I fitted a new LNB and voila, it worked. I guess a "broken" LNB doesn't behave in a way which is obvious it is broken. Some channels you see and some you don't and it occasionally works!
What I would be interested to know is if an LNB can have one broken cable connection but others work.

10-02-16, 22:54
Yes they can, I know this from experience. I had this issue a few months back changed the lnb and all good. So issue was with zero yet solo2 perfect.