View Full Version : Moving settings from one box to another??????

28-01-16, 15:14
So this is quite a complicated question. I currently have an et 1000 with 2 satellite and 2 cable tuners. I have set up my channels a little different that everyone else. I have my normal 28.2 astra bouquets for my satellite and I have a separate channel list for my cable. But I did this manually by scanning all the channels on my cable tuner and then manually inserting them in the order I like using the openwebif tool. So all the channels were in the unknown scanned folder to begin with and then I drag the channel into my cable bouquets. I labelled all my channels and everything. I love my set-up. Now the issue is that I am moving upstairs into the loft and I am taking my box with me. My brother ordered an et8000 with one cable tuner and 2 satellite tuners. Is there anyway I can get my channel list onto his box without having to manually move them like I did with mine. (It took my hours last time). Basically, copy all my settings from my box to his one.

Is this possible?

28-01-16, 15:59
Providing that all the bouquets reside in etc/enigma2 then a backup on one machine and restore on the other should do this.

28-01-16, 16:14
or use dreamboxedit to copy from one box to another and you also have a saved channellist on your PC.

28-01-16, 16:45
Providing that all the bouquets reside in etc/enigma2 then a backup on one machine and restore on the other should do this.

So basically insert my usb when it asks me to restore settings?
Are you saying that will work?

28-01-16, 16:45
or use dreamboxedit to copy from one box to another and you also have a saved channellist on your PC.

I am not sure how to use dreamboxedit.
Any help?

abu baniaz
28-01-16, 16:51
So basically insert my usb when it asks me to restore settings?
Are you saying that will work?

That will work. As well as any other personalised files. Configs to read subscription card etc. If you have assigned and IP address, that too.

28-01-16, 17:01
That will work. As well as any other personalised files. Configs to read subscription card etc. If you have assigned and IP address, that too.

Ok so i first have to scan the channels right. So they are in the unknown section first.?
Then i can restore?

28-01-16, 17:06
or can i straight away restore and all the channels will be there? seems too good to be true

28-01-16, 17:08
perhaps make an imagebackup on usb stick and restore in other box.Thats how I do it on my VU+ duo2's.

28-01-16, 17:09
perhaps make an imagebackup on usb stick and restore in other box.Thats how I do it on my VU+ duo2's.

image backup or settings backup. There are two different things

28-01-16, 17:13
if you want a full copy from one box to another use imagebackup.If you only want channels en sat setup use settings backup.

28-01-16, 17:24
But would an image back up work due to the fact the image backup is for my xtrend 10000 and the box i want to send stuff to is an xtren 8000?

28-01-16, 17:38
no works only on equal boxes.Probably better to do a settingsbackup then.

28-01-16, 18:27
or can i straight away restore and all the channels will be there? seems too good to be true

but true :)

28-01-16, 18:28
OK so next thing is. How do i get my xtrend et10000 to do a settings backup on a USB. I have my hardrive on there.

abu baniaz
28-01-16, 18:30
Image Manager:
You can make an image backup. It will be a "clone" of the image. You can then flash on the exact same model of receiver.

Backup Manager:
You can make a settings backup. Those setiings can be restored to any receiver running Vix.

abu baniaz
28-01-16, 18:34
OK so next thing is. How do i get my xtrend et10000 to do a settings backup on a USB. I have my hardrive on there.

Easiest option:
Copy it by FTP to PC from receiver one. Transfer it to receiver two by FTP. Then restore.

Default location is

If there is no physical HDD in a receiver and someone only has a USB stick, Vix image mounts the USB stick as /media/hdd

28-01-16, 19:04
Easiest option:
Copy it by FTP to PC from receiver one. Transfer it to receiver two by FTP. Then restore.

Default location is

If there is no physical HDD in a receiver and someone only has a USB stick, Vix image mounts the USB stick as /media/hdd

ok abu so i plugged my usb into my et1000 and told the box to save the back up on the usb.
So if i plug the usb into the et8000 and restore those settings, do i still have to do a channel search provided i plug in all the tuners correctly?

abu baniaz
28-01-16, 19:13
The channel data and bouquets will be restored. There is no need.

You keep asking the same question about scanning. What are you unsure about?

28-01-16, 19:20
The channel data and bouquets will be restored. There is no need.

You keep asking the same question about scanning. What are you unsure about?

wow abu i just did it.
Everything restored perfectly. Very impressed.
Thanks a lot abu and everyone else.