View Full Version : Installing CI+ CAM for Canal Digital

25-01-16, 06:25

I am trying to set up Canal Digital CI+ CAM to get Cmore Golf HD working. Canal Digital started card pairing with their sports channels so I've ordered CI+CAM from them and trying to get it work. First trial did not succeed.. lost all scrambled channels with or without CI+CAM, so I had to flash a backup to get it run again-

Do I need any softcams with it or should I disable all softcams? What it CAid in CA+settings?

I am using Vix 3.2.021 and satellite tuners.

25-01-16, 09:26
Try VTi image and forum, I know they have it working on Solo4k.

25-01-16, 09:33
are there any vix plans as well to support ci+ soon?