View Full Version : Problem with USB HD Storage

21-01-16, 10:01
Hi there,
Yesterday I switched from Openxta system to Openvix 3.2.035.release, and it seems to work everything perfectly on my CT9100

But I have a problem to read an Hard Disk containing .mkv files and connected by USB

In FILELIST>LOCATION I cannot see the device: just flash - and Internal HD (+hdd/media folder)
But in SETUP>SYSTEM>STORAGE DEVICE>FILESYSTEM CHECK I can see the this HD Storage. :confused:

Someone can help me? Something to set? I was using this HD with openxta without problems.

The Openvix system is still almos “virgin”. I only downloaded the driver for USB DTT turner and CCCAM – nothing else

Thanks a lot

abu baniaz
21-01-16, 10:09
what file system is the HDD in? i.e fat32, exfat, NTFS?

21-01-16, 10:44
Is an NTFS file system

21-01-16, 13:40
Have you mounted the usb drive via
Blue button/vix/mount manager?

21-01-16, 14:18
No I haven't . Can you please explain me what I have to do? I absolutely don't want to format it. Sorry I'm not confortable with linux system. I'm a beginner

abu baniaz
21-01-16, 14:58
you have to install the ntfs-3g drivers from the plugins menu

Your drive should mount automatically after reboot once you have installed the drivers

21-01-16, 15:37
Thanks a lot for the suggestion. Tonight as I'll arrive at home I'll try and let you know

21-01-16, 20:28
Thanks again! It works everything in a prefect way. :)