View Full Version : [ABM-DVB-C] Hi guys please help

07-01-16, 09:22
I took delivery of my extrend 8000 for cable yesterday already flashed with latest VIX,

Problem that I am having I think is down to my tuner settings. As I could not get the box to scan anything last night, I'm at my wits end with it, I have disabled one tuner. And still won't work, when I attempt to scan in auto bouquet it just says something like 365 files an so many videos but I'm not getting no list of channels,

I would be really great full for any help thanks

07-01-16, 11:15
On blank screen press arrow down on the remote, you should now see some folders, one should say Virgin UK your channels will be in there.

abu baniaz
07-01-16, 11:45
Bouquets are held in RAM, reloading them is required if ABM completed succesfully. This is achieved by pressing the TV button or loading/selecting another bouquet.

If that does not resolve your issue, please be advised that ABM support threads are supposed to have logs attached. See here: http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?44783-ABM-support-questions
If it fails on one provider, the whole process fails. You log will show the issue. Most common mistake is people telling the receiver that a tuner has a signal cable connected when it has not.

07-01-16, 12:02
Right thanks guys I'm going to have another crack at it tonight, with all that in mind.

I only have the one Ariel connected to one tuner which is by Cable one. I don't need any standard areal connected too do I ?

abu baniaz
07-01-16, 12:11
The tuner config must match what is connected to the tuner. If nothing is connected to it, set it as not configured/nothing connected.

Have a look at this thread: http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?44799-Loop-RF-out-for-Cable-Terrestrial