View Full Version : installing plugin Partnerbox on VIX 1.3 breaks button mapping

27-12-10, 22:36

After installing Partnerbox, to help me control my motor on another box in another room, it seems my CoolEPG, Quickzap and red button for current info etc buttons no longer work and have reverted to their original Enigma 2 settings. I uninstalled it and they worked fine again.

Any ideas?


27-12-10, 23:19
patnerbox has its own button mapping which is the default set it overrides any changes

28-12-10, 11:23
any suggested hacks to get around this? (i.e. save keymap.xml file, install partnerbox, copy keymap.xml file back to original location)?

The plug in itself is just what i've been looking for to stop me having to get off my ass to go into the other room to change the dish, just click the blue button for plugins and zap my other box to a foreign channel to move dish.